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WTS_FLAGS Enumeration

Values used by thumbnail methods to specify options for the extraction and display of the thumbnail image.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum WTS_FLAGS
  Member nameValueDescription
WTS_NONE0 Extract the thumbnail if it is not cached.
WTS_EXTRACT0 Extract the thumbnail if it is not cached.
WTS_INCACHEONLY1 Only return the thumbnail if it is cached.
WTS_FASTEXTRACT2 If not cached, only extract the thumbnail if it is embedded in EXIF format, typically 96x96.
WTS_FORCEEXTRACTION4 Ignore cache and extract thumbnail from source file.
WTS_SLOWRECLAIM8 The thumbnail has an extended lifetime. Use for volumes that might go offline, like non-fixed disks.
WTS_EXTRACTDONOTCACHE32 Extract but do not add the thumbnail to the cache.
WTS_SCALETOREQUESTEDSIZE64 Introduced in Windows 7. If the specific thumbnail size requested in the cxyRequestedThumbSize parameter is not available, resize the thumbnail to the requested size. If possible, a larger bitmap is reduced in scale, preserving its aspect ratio, to the width and height required. If the only available cached thumbnail is smaller than the requested size, then it is scaled up using the nearest-neighbor algorithm.
WTS_SKIPFASTEXTRACT128 Introduced in Windows 7. Do not extract a thumbnail embedded in the metadata of an EXIF image.
WTS_EXTRACTINPROC256 Introduced in Windows 7. Ensures that the thumbnail handler is loaded in the same process as the caller. When this flag is not specified, the handler is loaded into a surrogate process to protect the caller from unexpected crashes caused by the processing of the target file. Use this value when debugging thumbnail extractors.
WTS_CROPTOSQUARE512 Introduced in Windows 8. If necessary, crop the bitmap's dimensions so that is square. The length of the shortest side becomes the length of all sides.
WTS_INSTANCESURROGATE1024 Introduced in Windows 8. Create a surrogate for this instance of the cache rather than using the shared DLLHost surrogate.
WTS_REQUIRESURROGATE2048 Introduced in Windows 8. Require extractions to take place in the surrogate.
WTS_APPSTYLE8192 Windows 8 and later. Pass the WTSCF_APPSTYLE flag to IThumbnailSettings::SetContext, if the provider supports it.
WTS_WIDETHUMBNAILS16384 Windows 8 and later. Stretch and crop the bitmap so that its height is 0.7 times its width.
WTS_IDEALCACHESIZEONLY32768 Windows 8 and later. Return from the ideal cache snap size only. The returned image might be larger, but it will be pulled from the correct cache entry.
WTS_SCALEUP65536 Windows 8 and later. If necessary, stretch the image so that the height and width fit the given size.
See Also