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Menu Class

Exposes properties and methods that retrieve information about a Shell menu.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public sealed class Menu : IDisposable

The Menu type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllItems
Gets all child items.
Public propertyItems
Gets the menu items.
Public propertyNativeObject
Gets the underlying Shell native object (IContextMenu2).
Public methodStatic memberContextFromIDList(IntPtr, BuildMenuOptions, IBindCtx, CMF, Object, Boolean)
Gets the context menu from a PIDL.
Public methodStatic memberContextFromIDList(IWithIdList, BuildMenuOptions, IBindCtx, CMF, Object, Boolean)
Gets the context menu from a PIDL.
Public methodStatic memberContextFromItem
Gets the context menu from a shell item.
Public methodStatic memberCreateContextMenu(Guid, IWithIdList, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates a native IContextMenu COM server for a given PIDL.
Public methodStatic memberCreateContextMenu(Guid, IDataObject, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates a native IContextMenu COM server for a given data object.
Public methodStatic memberCreateContextMenu(Guid, IWithIdList, Menu, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates a native IContextMenu COM server for a given PIDL.
Public methodStatic memberCreateContextMenu(Guid, IDataObject, Menu, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates a native IContextMenu COM server for a given data object.
Public methodStatic memberCreateDefaultContextMenu(IEnumerableIWithIdList, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates the default context menu for a list of PIDLs.
Public methodStatic memberCreateDefaultContextMenu(IWithIdList, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates the default context menu for a PIDL.
Public methodStatic memberCreateDefaultContextMenu(IEnumerableIWithIdList, Menu, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates the default context menu for a list of PIDLs.
Public methodStatic memberCreateNewItem
This utility method invokes the shell 'New' menu and creates a new file or folder corresponding to a Shell-initiated item invoke.
Public methodStatic memberCreateNewMenu(IDataObject, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates the 'New' menu for a given data object.
Public methodStatic memberCreateNewMenu(IWithIdList, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates the 'New' menu for a given PIDL.
Public methodStatic memberCreateSendToMenu(IDataObject, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates the 'Send To' menu for a given data object.
Public methodStatic memberCreateSendToMenu(IWithIdList, ContextMenuOptions, Boolean)
Creates the 'Send To' menu for a given PIDL.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFromNativeObject
Gets a Menu instance from a native COM object.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetItemFromNewMenuVerb
Gets an item in the menu from its verb. The verb is supposed to be a verb from a 'new item' Shell call.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberHandleContextMenuMessage
Handles context menu messages for Window owning a context menu.. This method must be called by Window owners that set the ShowMenuOptions.Hwnd property.
Public methodInvoke
Invokes the specified menu.
Public methodStatic memberNewFromIDList(IntPtr, BuildMenuOptions, CMF, IDataObject, Object, Boolean)
Gets the 'New' menu from a PIDL. This menu is only supported for Shell folders.
Public methodStatic memberNewFromIDList(IWithIdList, BuildMenuOptions, CMF, IDataObject, Object, Boolean)
Gets the 'New' menu from a PIDL. This menu is only supported for Shell folders.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also