Click or drag to resize

FolderView Class

Exposes properties and methods that retrieve information about a folder's display options, select specified items in that folder, and set the folder's view mode.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public sealed class FolderView

The FolderView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoArrange
Gets a value indicating whether Auto Arrange mode is set.
Public propertyDefaultSpacing
Gets the default width (x) and height (y) measurements of an item, including the surrounding white space.
Public propertyFlags
Gets or sets the folder flags.
Public propertyFocusedItem
Gets the index of the item that currently has focus in the folder's view.
Public propertyGroupByDirection
Get or sets the sort order used for grouping items in the folder display.
Public propertyGroupByKey
Get or sets the PropertyKey used for grouping items in the folder display.
Public propertyGroupSubsetCount
Gets or sets the count of visible rows displayed for a group's subset.
Public propertyIconSize
Gets or sets the icon size applied to the view.
Public propertyIsMoveInSameFolder
Checks to see if this view sourced the current drag-and-drop or cut-and-paste operation (used by drop target objects).
Public propertyItems
Gets all items in the view..
Public propertyNativeObject
Gets the underlying Shell native object (IFolderView).
Public propertyOptions
Gets or sets the folder flags.
Public propertySelection
Gets the current selection as a list of items in the view.
Public propertySelectionMarkedItem
Gets the index of an item in the folder's view which has been marked by using the SVSI_SELECTIONMARK.
Public propertySortColumnCount
Gets the count of sort columns currently applied to the view.
Public propertySortColumns
Gets the sort columns currently applied to the view.
Public propertySpacing
Gets the width (x) and height (y) dimensions, including the surrounding white space, of an item.
Public propertyView
Gets the view.
Public propertyViewMode
Gets or sets the folder view mode.
Public methodDeselectAllItems
Deselects all items in the view.
Public methodDoRename
Starts a rename operation on the current selection.
Public methodEnumerateItems
Enumerates the items items in the folder view..
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFromNativeObject
Gets a FolderView instance from a native COM object.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetItem
Gets an item by its index.
Public methodGetItemCount
Gets the number of items in the folder. This can be the number of all items, or a subset such as the number of selected items.
Public methodGetItemIndex
Gets an item index using a predicate.
Public methodGetItemPosition
Gets the position of an item in the folder's view.
Public methodGetSelectedItem
Gets the currently selected item at or after a given index.
Public methodGetSelectionState
Gets the selection state including check state.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVisibleItem
Gets the next visible item in relation to a given index in the view.
Public methodInvokeVerbOnSelection
Invokes the given verb on the current selection.
Public methodSelectItem
Selects an item in the view.
Public methodSelectItems(IEnumerableShellItemIdList, SVSIF, Boolean)
Allows the selection and positioning of items visible in the folder's view.
Public methodSelectItems(IEnumerableItem, SVSIF, Boolean)
Allows the selection and positioning of items visible in the folder's view.
Public methodSelectItems(IEnumerableIntPtr, SVSIF, Boolean)
Allows the selection and positioning of items visible in the folder's view.
Public methodSetRedraw
Sets redraw on and off.
Public methodSetSortColumns
Sets all the sort columns.
Public methodSetText
Sets the text for a type of text to be used in a folder view.
Public methodToString
Converts to string.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also