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SHCNE Enumeration

Describes the event that has occurred for a ChangeNotify event. Maps to Windows' SHChangeNotify function parameters.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum SHCNE
  Member nameValueDescription
SHCNE_RENAMEITEM1 The name of a nonfolder item has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the previous PIDL or name of the item. dwItem2 contains the new PIDL or name of the item.
SHCNE_CREATE2 A nonfolder item has been created. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item that was created. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_DELETE4 A nonfolder item has been deleted. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item that was deleted. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_MKDIR8 A folder has been created. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that was created. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_RMDIR16 A folder has been removed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that was removed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED32 Storage media has been inserted into a drive. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that contains the new media. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED64 Storage media has been removed from a drive. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive from which the media was removed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED128 A drive has been removed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that was removed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_DRIVEADD256 A drive has been added. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive that was added. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_NETSHARE512 A folder on the local computer is being shared via the network. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that is being shared. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_NETUNSHARE1024 A folder on the local computer is no longer being shared via the network. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that is no longer being shared. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES2048 The attributes of an item or folder have changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item or folder that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_UPDATEDIR4096 The contents of an existing folder have changed, but the folder still exists and has not been renamed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the folder that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. If a folder has been created, deleted, or renamed, use SHCNE_MKDIR, SHCNE_RMDIR, or SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER, respectively.
SHCNE_UPDATEITEM8192 An existing item (a folder or a nonfolder) has changed, but the item still exists and has not been renamed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the item that has changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL. If a nonfolder item has been created, deleted, or renamed, use SHCNE_CREATE, SHCNE_DELETE, or SHCNE_RENAMEITEM, respectively, instead.
SHCNE_SERVERDISCONNECT16384 The computer has disconnected from a server. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the server from which the computer was disconnected. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE32768 An image in the system image list has changed. SHCNF_DWORD must be specified in uFlags. dwItem2 contains the index in the system image list that has changed. dwItem1 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_DRIVEADDGUI65536Windows XP and later: Not used.
SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER131072 The name of a folder has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the previous PIDL or name of the folder. dwItem2 contains the new PIDL or name of the folder.
SHCNE_FREESPACE262144 The amount of free space on a drive has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST or SHCNF_PATH must be specified in uFlags. dwItem1 contains the root of the drive on which the free space changed. dwItem2 is not used and should be NULL.
SHCNE_EXTENDED_EVENT67108864 Not currently used.
SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED134217728 A file type association has changed. SHCNF_IDLIST must be specified in the uFlags parameter. dwItem1 and dwItem2 are not used and must be NULL. This event should also be sent for registered protocols.
SHCNE_DISKEVENTS145439 Specifies a combination of all of the disk event identifiers.
SHCNE_GLOBALEVENTS201687520 Specifies a combination of all of the global event identifiers.
SHCNE_ALLEVENTS2147483647 All events have occurred.
SHCNE_INTERRUPT-2147483648 The specified event occurred as a result of a system interrupt. As this value modifies other event values, it cannot be used alone.
See Also