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callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell Namespace

Contains many Windows Shell interop structures, constants and enumerations that are useful to ShellBoost developers.
Public classBHID
A list of Guids that specifies which handler will be created when using the BindToHandler method.
Public classBrowser
Exposes methods that provide services for the view it is hosting and other objects that run in the context of the Explorer window.
Public classBrowserEvents
Listens to a Browser events.
Public classContextMenuOptions
Defines options to use when showing the context menu.
Public classCoreShellFolder
Exposes properties methods that retrieve information about a Shell folder. The difference with the Folder type is this represents a managed wrapper over the native IShellFolder interface while the Folder type represents a managed wrapper over the native IShellItem interface. The Folder type should generally be preferred over this.
Public classCreateNewItemOptions
Defines options when creating a new shell item.
Public classDispatchEventArgs
Provides data for an IDispatch event.
Public classDispatchEvents
Provides the base for handling IDispatch events.
Public classFolder
Exposes properties methods that retrieve information about a Shell folder.
Public classFOLDERID
A list of Guids that identify standard folders registered with the system as Known Folders. These folders are installed with Windows Vista and later operating systems, and a computer will have only folders appropriate to it installed.
Public classFolderSettings
Exposes settings for a Shell folder.
Public classFolderShortcut
Represents a Shell Folder shortcut.
The FOLDERTYPEID values represent a view template applied to a folder, usually based on its intended use and contents. Maps to Windows' FOLDERTYPEID.
Public classFolderView
Exposes properties and methods that retrieve information about a folder's display options, select specified items in that folder, and set the folder's view mode.
Public classFolderViewEvents
Listens to a Shell Folder View events.
Public classItem
Exposes properties methods that retrieve information about a Shell Item.
Public classKIND
Defines a list of Windows Property System kinds.
Public classKnownFolder
A utility class to use Windows Shell's Known Folders concept.
Public classLink
Defines a base that wraps an IShellLink interface.
Public classMenu
Exposes properties and methods that retrieve information about a Shell menu.
Public classMenuInvokeOptions
Defines options when invoking a shell menu
Public classMenuItem
Exposes properties and methods that retrieve information about a Shell menu item.
Public classNamedProperty
Exposes properties and methods that present a named property.
Public classNamespaceTreeControl
Exposes properties and methods that represent the tree control in the Windows Explorer.
Public classProperty
Exposes properties and methods that present a property of a Shell item.
Public classSendMenuFile
Defines a recipient for the Shell "Send To" menu implemented as a file.
Public classSendMenuTarget
Defines a target for the Shell "Send To" menu.
Public classThumbnail
Exposes properties methods that retrieve information about a Shell Thumbnail.
Public classView
Exposes properties and methods that present a view in the Windows Explorer or folder windows.
Public classViewEventArgs
Provides data for the WindowRegistered and WindowRevoked events of ViewEvents.
Public classViewEvents
Listens to Windows View open or close notifications and raises events when a notification is received.
Public classVisualProperties
Exposes methods that set and get visual properties.
Public structureBIND_OPTS2
Contains parameters used during a moniker-binding operation.
Public structureBIND_OPTS3
Contains parameters used during a moniker-binding operation.
Describes the image and accompanying text for a drop object.
Public structureFILEDESCRIPTOR
Describes the properties of a file that is being copied by means of the clipboard during a drag-and-drop operation.
Public structureLOGFONT
Defines the attributes of a font.
Public structureOLECMD
Associates command flags from the OLECMDF enumeration with a command identifier.
Public structurePOINT
Represents an ordered pair of integer x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.
Public structureRECT
The RECT structure defines a rectangle by the coordinates of its upper-left and lower-right corners.
Public structureSIZE
The SIZE structure defines the width and height of a rectangle.
Public structureSORTCOLUMN
Stores information about how to sort a column that is displayed in the folder view.
Public structureSTATSTG
Contains statistical data about an open storage, stream, or byte-array object. Maps to Windows' STATSTG structure.
Public structureWIN32_FIND_DATA
Contains information about the file that is found by the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, or FindNextFile functions.
Public enumerationASSOCCLASS
Defines where to obtain association data and the form the data is stored in for the AssociationElement type.
Public enumerationBIND_FLAGS
Controls aspects of moniker binding operations.
Public enumerationBrowserNavConstants
Contains values used by the Navigate and Navigate2 methods of Shell Windows.
Public enumerationBuildMenuOptions
Defines options when extracting a shell menu.
Public enumerationCDB2GVF
Common dialog browser customization view flags.
Public enumerationCLSCTX
Values that are used in activation calls to indicate the execution contexts in which an object is to be run.
Public enumerationCM_SET_WIDTH_VALUE
Specifies width values in pixels and includes special support for default and autosize.
Public enumerationCM_STATE
Specifies column state values.
Public enumerationCMF
Optional flags that specify how a context or shortcut menu can be changed.
Public enumerationCMIC_MASK
Flags that specify how to handle the data in the command menu invoke events.
Public enumerationCSIDL
CSIDL (constant special item ID list) values provide a unique system-independent way to identify special folders used frequently by applications, but which may not have the same name or location on any given system. For example, the system folder may be "C:\Windows" on one system and "C:\Winnt" on another.
Public enumerationDATAOBJ_GET_ITEM_FLAGS
Values used by the Item's FromDataObject function to specify options concerning the processing of the source object.
Public enumerationDFM_CMD
Defines some well-known command identifiers for context menus.
Public enumerationDROPEFFECT
Represents information about the effects of a drag-and-drop operation. Maps to Windows' DROPEFFECT Constants.
Public enumerationDROPIMAGETYPE
Values used with the DROPDESCRIPTION structure to specify the drop image.
Indicate flags used to get the current state of the given Windows Explorer pane. Maps to Windows' EXPLORERPANESTATE enumeration..
Public enumerationFCW
Identifies the control handle that is being requested.
Public enumerationFD
Indicates which of the other structure members contain valid data.
Specifies the values used by the OverwriteFileDialogEventArgs Response property to indicate an application's response to an overwrite request during a save operation using the common file dialog. Maps to Windows' FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE enumeration..
Specifies the values used by the ShareViolationFileDialogEventArgs Response property to indicate an application's response to a sharing violation that occurs when a file is opened or saved. Maps to Windows' FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE enumeration..
Public enumerationFFFP_MODE
Describes match criteria for known folder search.
Specifies the values used by the ShareViolationFileDialogEventArgs Response property to indicate an application's response to a sharing violation that occurs when a file is opened or saved. Maps to Windows' FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS enumeration..
Indicates constants that are used in the EditFlags value of a file association PROGID registry key.
Public enumerationFOF
Flags that control file operations.
Public enumerationFOLDERFLAGS
A set of flags that specify folder view options. Maps to Windows' FOLDERFLAGS enumeration..
Describes a folder view mode. Maps to Windows' FOLDERLOGICALVIEWMODE enumeration..
Public enumerationFOLDERVIEWMODE
Specifies the folder view type. Maps to Windows' FOLDERVIEWMODE enumeration..
Used the FolderView.SetOptions method to activate Windows Vista options not supported by default in Windows 7 and later systems as well as deactivating new Windows 7 options. Maps to Windows' FOLDERVIEWOPTIONS enumeration..
Public enumerationFVTEXTTYPE
Type of text to be used in a folder view.
Public enumerationGILIN
Defines input options used when getting an icon location.
Public enumerationGILOUT
Defines output options set after getting an icon location.
Public enumerationHBMMENU
Defines a list of well-known context menu bitmap handles.
Public enumerationIEIFLAG
Flags that specify how the image is to be handled during icon extraction.
Public enumerationILD
A combination of flags that specify the drawing style. Maps to Windows' ILD enumeration..
Public enumerationKF_CATEGORY
Represents a category by which a folder registered with the Known Folder system can be classified. Maps to Windows' KF_CATEGORY enumeration..
Public enumerationKF_DEFINITION_FLAGS
Flags that specify certain known folder behaviors. Maps to Windows' KF_DEFINITION_FLAGS enumeration..
Flags that specify the current redirection capabilities of a known folder. Maps to Windows' KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES enumeration..
Public enumerationKNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG
Specify special retrieval options for known folders. These values supersede CSIDL values, which have parallel meanings. Maps to Windows' KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG enumeration..
Public enumerationLOCKTYPE
Indicates the type of locking requested for the specified range of bytes Maps to Windows' LOCKTYPE enumeration..
Public enumerationMFS
Defines a menu item state options.
Public enumerationMFT
Defines a menu item type.
Public enumerationNMCSAEI_FLAGS
Indicates how item must be selected.
Public enumerationNSTCGNI
Defines the type of the next item.
Public enumerationNSTCITEMSTATE
Specifies the state of a tree item.
Public enumerationOFASI
Optional flags when opening items.
Public enumerationOLECMDEXECOPT
Specifies command execution options.
Public enumerationOLECMDF
Specifies the type of support provided by an object for the command specified in an OLECMD structure.
Specifies the window state.
Public enumerationOLECMDTEXTF
Specifies the type of information that is stored in a CommandQueryStatusEventArgs instance.
Public enumerationPERCEIVED
Specifies a file's perceived type. Maps to Windows' PERCEIVED enumeration..
Public enumerationPERCEIVEDFLAG
Indicates the source of the perceived type information.
Public enumerationPLACEHOLDER_STATES
Specifies the states that a placeholder file can have. Retrieve this value through the System.FilePlaceholderStatus (PKEY_FilePlaceholderStatus) property. Maps to Windows' PLACEHOLDER_STATES enumeration..
Public enumerationRATING
A rating system that uses integer values between 1 and 99. This is the rating system used by the Windows Shell.
Public enumerationSBSP
Flags specifying options to browse.
Public enumerationSFGAO
Attributes that can be retrieved on a Shell item (file or folder) or set of Shell items. Maps to Windows' SFGAO enumeration..
Public enumerationSHCIDS
A value that specifies how Shell Items comparison should be performed.
Public enumerationSHCNE
Describes the event that has occurred for a ChangeNotify event. Maps to Windows' SHChangeNotify function parameters.
Public enumerationSHCNEE
SHCNE_EXTENDED_EVENT extended events. These events are ordinals.
Public enumerationSHCNF
Flags that, when combined bitwise with SHCNF_TYPE, indicate the meaning of the dwItem1 and dwItem2 parameters for ChangeNotify events. The uFlags parameter must be one of the following values.
Public enumerationSHCNRF
Flags that indicate the type of events for which to receive notifications.
Public enumerationSHCOLSTATE
Describes how a property or Shell list view column should be treated. Maps to Windows' SHCOLSTATE enumeration..
Public enumerationSHCONTF
Determines the types of items included in an enumeration. Maps to Windows' SHCONTF enumeration..
Public enumerationSHDID
Determines what type a Shell Item is.
Public enumerationSHGDNF
Defines options used to get Shell Items names. Maps to Windows' SHGDNF enumeration..
Public enumerationSHGVSPB
Defines options for the SHGetViewStatePropertyBag method.
Public enumerationSHIL
Defines the Shell's system image list type.
Public enumerationSICHINT
Used to determine how to compare two Shell items. Maps to Windows' SICHINTF enumeration..
Public enumerationSICHINTF
Used to determine how to compare two Shell items.
Public enumerationSIGDN
Defines the form of an item's display name to get. Maps to Windows' SIGDN enumeration..
Public enumerationSIIGBF
A set of flags that specify how an image will be extracted Maps to Windows' SIIGBF enumeration..
Public enumerationSLR
Values that are using for Shell link resolution.
Public enumerationSORTDIRECTION
Defines the direction in which items are sorted.
Public enumerationSTGM
The STGM constants are flags that indicate conditions for creating and deleting the object and access modes for the object Maps to Windows' STGM Constants.
Public enumerationSTGTY
The STGTY enumeration values are used in the type member of the STATSTG structure to indicate the type of the storage element. A storage element is a storage object, a stream object, or a byte-array object (LOCKBYTES). Maps to Windows' STGTY enumeration..
Public enumerationStorageProviderState
Defines the possible states of a storage provider file.
Public enumerationSVGIO
Used with to restrict or control the items in a FolderView collection.
Public enumerationSVSIF
Indicates flags used to specify a type of selection to apply.
Public enumerationSVUIA_STATUS
Used with the View UIActivate method to set the state of a browser view.
Public enumerationSW
Controls how a window is to be shown.
Public enumerationSYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS
Specifies possible status values used in the System.SyncTransferStatus property.
Public enumerationTPM
Flags that specify to position the shortcut menu.
Used by file operation methods. Maps to Windows' TRANSFER_SOURCE_FLAGS enumeration..
Public enumerationURI_CREATE_FLAGS
A combination of the flags to create Uri.
Public enumerationVPCOLORFLAGS
Specifies the use of a color.
Public enumerationVPWATERMARKFLAGS
Specifies watermark flags.
Public enumerationWTS_ALPHATYPE
Defines the alpha channel behavior.
Public enumerationWTS_CACHEFLAGS
A combination of flags that contain information about a thumnail.
Public enumerationWTS_FLAGS
Values used by thumbnail methods to specify options for the extraction and display of the thumbnail image.