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IEIFLAG Enumeration

Flags that specify how the image is to be handled during icon extraction.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum IEIFLAG
  Member nameValueDescription
IEIFLAG_NONE0 No option is defined.
IEIFLAG_ASYNC1 Not used. The thumbnail is always extracted on a background thread.
IEIFLAG_CACHE2 Not supported.
IEIFLAG_ASPECT4 Used to ask the object to use the supplied aspect ratio.
IEIFLAG_OFFLINE8 Used to tell the object to use only local content for rendering.
IEIFLAG_GLEAM16 Not supported.
IEIFLAG_SCREEN32 Used to tell the object to render as if for the screen. This flag cannot be used with IEIFLAG_ASPECT.
IEIFLAG_ORIGSIZE64 Used to tell the object to render the image to the approximate size passed in prgSize, but crop it if necessary.
IEIFLAG_NOSTAMP128 Not supported.
IEIFLAG_NOBORDER256 Not supported.
IEIFLAG_QUALITY512 Passed to the extraction method to indicate that a higher quality image is requested. If this flag is not set, extraction retrieves an embedded thumbnail if the file has one, no matter what size the user requests. For example, if the file is 2000x2000 pixels but the embedded thumbnail is only 100x100 pixels and the user does not set this flag, yet requests a 1000x1000 pixel thumbnail, extraction always returns the 100x100 pixel thumbnail. If a larger thumbnail is desired (usually embedded thumbnails are 160x160), this flag must be set.
IEIFLAG_REFRESH1024 Returned by the object to indicate that Refresh Thumbnail should be displayed on the item's shortcut menu.
See Also