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SHDID Enumeration

Determines what type a Shell Item is.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum SHDID
  Member nameValueDescription
SHDID_UNKNOWN0 The type is unknown.
SHDID_ROOT_REGITEM1 The item is a registered item on the desktop.
SHDID_FS_FILE2 The item is a file.
SHDID_FS_DIRECTORY3 The item is a folder.
SHDID_FS_OTHER4 The item is an unidentified item in the file system.
SHDID_COMPUTER_DRIVE355 The item is a 3.5-inch floppy drive.
SHDID_COMPUTER_DRIVE5256 The item is a 5.25-inch floppy drive.
SHDID_COMPUTER_REMOVABLE7 The item is a removable disk.
SHDID_COMPUTER_FIXED8 The item is a fixed hard disk.
SHDID_COMPUTER_NETDRIVE9 The item is a drive that is mapped to a network share.
SHDID_COMPUTER_CDROM10 The item is a CD-ROM drive.
SHDID_COMPUTER_RAMDISK11 The item is a RAM disk.
SHDID_COMPUTER_OTHER12 The item is an unidentified system device.
SHDID_NET_DOMAIN13 The item is a network domain.
SHDID_NET_SERVER14 The item is a network server.
SHDID_NET_SHARE15 The item is a network share.
SHDID_NET_RESTOFNET16 Not currently used.
SHDID_NET_OTHER17 The item is an unidentified network resource.
SHDID_COMPUTER_IMAGING18 Windows XP and later. Not currently used.
SHDID_COMPUTER_AUDIO19 Windows XP and later. Not currently used.
SHDID_COMPUTER_SHAREDDOCS20 Windows XP and later. The item is the system shared documents folder.
SHDID_MOBILE_DEVICE21 Windows Vista and later. The item is a mobile device, such as a personal digital assistant (PDA).
SHDID_REMOTE_DESKTOP_DRIVE22 Windows Vista and later. The item is a remote desktop drive.
See Also