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DFM_CMD Enumeration

Defines some well-known command identifiers for context menus.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum DFM_CMD
  Member nameValueDescription
DFM_CMD_DELETE-1Windows Vista and later. Delete the current item.
DFM_CMD_MOVE-2Windows Vista and later. Move the current item.
DFM_CMD_COPY-3Windows Vista and later. Copy the current item.
DFM_CMD_LINK-4Windows Vista and later. Create a link to the current item.
DFM_CMD_PROPERTIES-5 Show the Properties UI for the item on which the menu was invoked.
DFM_CMD_NEWFOLDER-6 Not supported.
DFM_CMD_PASTE-7Windows Vista and later. Paste an item to the current location.
DFM_CMD_VIEWLIST-8 Not supported.
DFM_CMD_VIEWDETAILS-9 Not supported.
DFM_CMD_PASTELINK-10Windows Vista and later. Paste a link at the current location.
DFM_CMD_PASTESPECIAL-11 Not supported.
DFM_CMD_MODALPROP-12 Not supported.
DFM_CMD_RENAME-13Windows Vista and later. Rename the current item.
See Also