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SBSP Enumeration

Flags specifying options to browse.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum SBSP
  Member nameValueDescription
SBSP_DEFBROWSER0 Use default behavior, which respects the view option (the user setting to create new windows or to browse in place). In most cases, calling applications should use this flag.
SBSP_SAMEBROWSER1 Browse to another folder with the same Windows Explorer window.
SBSP_NEWBROWSER2 Creates another window for the specified folder.
SBSP_DEFMODE0 Use the current window.
SBSP_OPENMODE16 Specifies no folder tree for the new browse window. If the current browser does not match the SBSP_OPENMODE of the browse object call, a new window is opened.
SBSP_EXPLOREMODE32 Specifies a folder tree for the new browse window. If the current browser does not match the SBSP_EXPLOREMODE of the browse object call, a new window is opened.
SBSP_HELPMODE64 Not supported. Do not use.
SBSP_NOTRANSFERHIST128 Do not transfer the browsing history to the new window.
SBSP_ABSOLUTE0 An absolute PIDL, relative to the desktop.
SBSP_RELATIVE4096 A relative PIDL, relative to the current folder.
SBSP_PARENT8192 Browse the parent folder, ignore the PIDL.
SBSP_NAVIGATEBACK16384 Navigate back, ignore the PIDL.
SBSP_NAVIGATEFORWARD32768 Navigate forward, ignore the PIDL.
SBSP_ALLOW_AUTONAVIGATE65536 Enable auto-navigation.
SBSP_KEEPSAMETEMPLATE131072 Windows Vista and later. Not supported. Do not use.
SBSP_KEEPWORDWHEELTEXT262144 Windows Vista and later. Navigate without clearing the search entry field.
SBSP_ACTIVATE_NOFOCUS524288 Windows Vista and later. Navigate without the default behavior of setting focus into the new view.
SBSP_CREATENOHISTORY1048576 Windows 7 and later. Do not add a new entry to the travel log. When the user enters a search term in the search box and subsequently refines the query, the browser navigates forward but does not add an additional travel log entry.
SBSP_PLAYNOSOUND2097152 Windows 7 and later. Do not make the navigation complete sound for each keystroke in the search box.
SBSP_CALLERUNTRUSTED8388608 he navigation was possibly initiated by a webpage with scripting code already present on the local system.
SBSP_TRUSTFIRSTDOWNLOAD16777216 The new window is the result of a user initiated action. Trust the new window if it immediately attempts to download content.
SBSP_UNTRUSTEDFORDOWNLOAD33554432 The window is navigating to an untrusted, non-HTML file. If the user attempts to download the file, do not allow the download.
SBSP_NOAUTOSELECT67108864 Suppress selection in the history pane.
SBSP_WRITENOHISTORY134217728 Write no history of this navigation in the history Shell folder.
SBSP_TRUSTEDFORACTIVEX268435456 The navigate should allow ActiveX prompts.
SBSP_FEEDNAVIGATION536870912 If allowed by current registry settings, give the browser a destination to navigate to.
SBSP_REDIRECT1073741824 Enables redirection to another URL.
SBSP_INITIATEDBYHLINKFRAME-2147483648 Initiated by hyperlink frame.
See Also