Click or drag to resize

TPM Enumeration

Flags that specify to position the shortcut menu.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum TPM
  Member nameValueDescription
TPM_LEFTBUTTON0 The user can select menu items with only the left mouse button.
TPM_RIGHTBUTTON2 The user can select menu items with both the left and right mouse buttons.
TPM_LEFTALIGN0 Positions the shortcut menu so that its left side is aligned with the coordinate specified by the x parameter.
TPM_CENTERALIGN4 Centers the shortcut menu horizontally relative to the coordinate specified by the x parameter.
TPM_RIGHTALIGN8 Positions the shortcut menu so that its right side is aligned with the coordinate specified by the x parameter.
TPM_TOPALIGN0 Positions the shortcut menu so that its top side is aligned with the coordinate specified by the y parameter.
TPM_VCENTERALIGN16 Centers the shortcut menu vertically relative to the coordinate specified by the y parameter.
TPM_BOTTOMALIGN32 Positions the shortcut menu so that its bottom side is aligned with the coordinate specified by the y parameter.
TPM_HORIZONTAL0 If the pop-up window cannot be shown at the specified location without overlapping the excluded rectangle, the system tries to accommodate the requested horizontal alignment before the requested vertical alignment.
TPM_VERTICAL64 If the pop-up window cannot be shown at the specified location without overlapping the excluded rectangle, the system tries to accommodate the requested vertical alignment before the requested horizontal alignment.
TPM_NONOTIFY128 The function does not send notification messages when the user clicks a menu item.
TPM_RETURNCMD256 The function returns the menu item identifier of the user's selection in the return value.
TPM_RECURSE1 Indicates that this is a pop-up menu for a pop-up menu.
TPM_HORPOSANIMATION1024 Animates the menu from left to right.
TPM_HORNEGANIMATION2048 Animates the menu from right to left.
TPM_VERPOSANIMATION4096 Animates the menu from top to bottom.
TPM_VERNEGANIMATION8192 Animates the menu from bottom to top.
TPM_NOANIMATION16384 Displays menu without animation.
TPM_LAYOUTRTL32768 To enable right-to-left text layout.
TPM_WORKAREA65536 Restricts the pop-up window to within the work area. If this flag is not set, the pop-up window is restricted to the work area only if the input point is within the work area.
See Also