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SIIGBF Enumeration

A set of flags that specify how an image will be extracted Maps to Windows' SIIGBF enumeration..

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum SIIGBF
  Member nameValueDescription
SIIGBF_RESIZETOFIT0 Shrink the bitmap as necessary to fit, preserving its aspect ratio.
SIIGBF_BIGGERSIZEOK1 Passed by callers if they want to stretch the returned image themselves.
SIIGBF_MEMORYONLY2 Return the item only if it is already in memory. Note that this only returns an already-cached icon and can fall back to a per-class icon if an item has a per-instance icon that has not been cached.
SIIGBF_ICONONLY4 Return only the icon, never the thumbnail.
SIIGBF_THUMBNAILONLY8 Return only the thumbnail, never the icon. Note that not all items have thumbnails, so SIIGBF_THUMBNAILONLY will cause the method to fail in these cases.
SIIGBF_INCACHEONLY16 Allows access to the disk, but only to retrieve a cached item. This returns a cached thumbnail if it is available. If no cached thumbnail is available, it returns a cached per-instance icon but does not extract a thumbnail or icon.
SIIGBF_CROPTOSQUARE32 Introduced in Windows 8. If necessary, crop the bitmap to a square.
SIIGBF_WIDETHUMBNAILS64 Introduced in Windows 8. Stretch and crop the bitmap to a 0.7 aspect ratio.
SIIGBF_ICONBACKGROUND128 Introduced in Windows 8. If returning an icon, paint a background using the associated app's registered background color.
SIIGBF_SCALEUP256 Introduced in Windows 8. If necessary, stretch the bitmap so that the height and width fit the given size.
See Also