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Specifies the values used by the ShareViolationFileDialogEventArgs Response property to indicate an application's response to a sharing violation that occurs when a file is opened or saved. Maps to Windows' FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS enumeration..

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
  Member nameValueDescription
FOS_OVERWRITEPROMPT2 When saving a file, prompt before overwriting an existing file of the same name. This is a default value for the Save dialog.
FOS_STRICTFILETYPES4 In the Save dialog, only allow the user to choose a file that has one of the file name extensions specified.
FOS_NOCHANGEDIR8 Don't change the current working directory.
FOS_PICKFOLDERS32 Present an Open dialog that offers a choice of folders rather than files.
FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM64 Ensures that returned items are file system items (SFGAO_FILESYSTEM).
FOS_ALLNONSTORAGEITEMS128 Enables the user to choose any item in the Shell namespace, not just those with SFGAO_STREAM or SFAGO_FILESYSTEM attributes. This flag cannot be combined with FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM.
FOS_NOVALIDATE256 Do not check for situations that would prevent an application from opening the selected file, such as sharing violations or access denied errors.
FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT512 Enables the user to select multiple items in the open dialog.
FOS_PATHMUSTEXIST2048 The item returned must be in an existing folder. This is a default value.
FOS_FILEMUSTEXIST4096 The item returned must exist. This is a default value for the Open dialog.
FOS_CREATEPROMPT8192 Prompt for creation if the item returned in the save dialog does not exist. Note that this does not actually create the item.
FOS_SHAREAWARE16384 In the case of a sharing violation when an application is opening a file. This flag is overridden by FOS_NOVALIDATE.
FOS_NOREADONLYRETURN32768 Do not return read-only items. This is a default value for the Save dialog.
FOS_NOTESTFILECREATE65536 Do not test whether creation of the item as specified in the Save dialog will be successful. If this flag is not set, the calling application must handle errors, such as denial of access, discovered when the item is created.
FOS_HIDEMRUPLACES131072 Hide the list of places from which the user has recently opened or saved items. This value is not supported as of Windows 7.
FOS_HIDEPINNEDPLACES262144 Hide items shown by default in the view's navigation pane. This flag is often used in conjunction with the IFileDialog::AddPlace method, to hide standard locations and replace them with custom locations. Windows 7 and later. Hide all of the standard namespace locations (such as Favorites, Libraries, Computer, and Network) shown in the navigation pane. Windows Vista.Hide the contents of the Favorite Links tree in the navigation pane.Note that the category itself is still displayed, but shown as empty.
FOS_NODEREFERENCELINKS1048576 Shortcuts should not be treated as their target items. This allows an application to open a .lnk file rather than what that file is a shortcut to.
FOS_OKBUTTONNEEDSINTERACTION2097152 Only enable the OK button if the user has done something in the view.
FOS_DONTADDTORECENT33554432 Do not add the item being opened or saved to the recent documents list.
FOS_FORCESHOWHIDDEN268435456 Include hidden and system items.
FOS_DEFAULTNOMINIMODE536870912 Indicates to the Save As dialog box that it should open in expanded mode. Expanded mode is the mode that is set and unset by clicking the button in the lower-left corner of the Save As dialog box that switches between Browse Folders and Hide Folders when clicked. This value is not supported as of Windows 7.
FOS_FORCEPREVIEWPANEON1073741824 Indicates to the Open dialog box that the preview pane should always be displayed.
FOS_SUPPORTSTREAMABLEITEMS-2147483648 Indicates that the caller is opening a file as a stream, so there is no need to download that file.
See Also