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SHCIDS Enumeration

A value that specifies how Shell Items comparison should be performed.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsShell
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum SHCIDS
  Member nameValueDescription
SHCIDS_NONE0 No options.
SHCIDS_ALLFIELDS-2147483648 Compare all the information in the item, not just the display names.
SHCIDS_CANONICALONLY268435456 When comparing by name, compare the system names but not the display names. When this flag is passed, the two items are compared by whatever criteria the Shell folder determines are most efficient, as long as it implements a consistent sort function. This flag is useful when comparing for equality or when the results of the sort are not displayed to the user. This flag cannot be combined with other flags.
SHCIDS_BITMASK-65536 A bitmask.
SHCIDS_COLUMNMASK65535 A bitmask for columns.
See Also