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REGCLS Enumeration

Controls the type of connections to a class object.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum REGCLS
  Member nameValueDescription
REGCLS_SINGLEUSE0 After an application is connected to a class object with CoGetClassObject, the class object is removed from public view so that no other applications can connect to it.
REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE1 Multiple applications can connect to the class object through calls to CoGetClassObject.
REGCLS_MULTI_SEPARATE2 Useful for registering separate CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER and CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER class factories through calls to CoGetClassObject.
REGCLS_SUSPENDED4 Suspends registration and activation requests for the specified CLSID until there is a call to CoResumeClassObjects.
REGCLS_SURROGATE8 The class object is a surrogate process used to run DLL servers.
REGCLS_AGILE16 The class object aggregates the free-threaded marshaler and will be made visible to all inproc apartments.
See Also