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IOUtilities Class

As set of IO utilities.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public static class IOUtilities

The IOUtilities type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCopyTo
Reads the bytes from the current stream and writes them to another stream.
Public methodStatic memberCopyToAsync(Stream, Stream, Int64, Int32)
Reads the bytes from the current stream and writes them to another stream.
Public methodStatic memberCopyToAsync(Stream, Stream, CancellationToken, Int64, Int32)
Reads the bytes from the current stream and writes them to another stream.
Public methodStatic memberDenormalizePath
Removes the long file name prefix "\\?\" from a rooted path. If the path is not rooted, it will be returned as is.
Public methodStatic memberDirectoryCopy(DirectoryInfo, DirectoryInfo, Boolean)
Copies a directory.
Public methodStatic memberDirectoryCopy(String, String, Boolean)
Copies a directory.
Public methodStatic memberDirectoryCreate
Creates the specified directory.
Public methodStatic memberDirectoryDelete
Deletes the specified directory and, if indicated, any subdirectories and files in the directory.
Public methodStatic memberDirectoryExists
Test if a directory exists. Supports invalid file paths, never throws.
Public methodStatic memberDirectoryMove
Moves a directory.
Public methodStatic memberExtractAssemblyResource
Extracts a resource from an assembly to a file.
Public methodStatic memberFileCreateDirectory
Create the directory needed to contain a specified file path.
Public methodStatic memberFileDelete
Deletes a file.
Public methodStatic memberFileExists
Test if a file exists. Supports invalid file paths, never throws.
Public methodStatic memberFileMove
Moves a file.
Public methodStatic memberFileOverwrite
Overwrites a file.
Public methodStatic memberFileSetEnd
Sets the size for the specified file.
Public methodStatic memberFileUnprotect
Unprotects a file.
Public methodStatic memberFindContentType(Byte)
Determines the MIME type from the data provided. Based on Windows FindMimeFromData function.
Public methodStatic memberFindContentType(String)
Determines the MIME type from a file path. Based on Windows FindMimeFromData function.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileExtensionFromContentType
Gets a file extension from a content type.
Public methodStatic memberIsPathRooted
Gets a value indicating whether the specified path string contains a root.
Public methodStatic memberIsSharingViolation
Determines whether the specified exception represents a sharing violation error.
Public methodStatic memberNormalizePath
Normalizes a path with the long file name prefix "\\?\". If the path is not rooted, it will be returned as is.
Public methodStatic memberPathCombineNoCheck(String)
Combines an array of strings into a path. Parts may not be valid file names.
Public methodStatic memberPathCombineNoCheck(Char, String)
Combines an array of strings into a path. Parts may not be valid file names.
Public methodStatic memberPathDelete
Deletes the specified directory or file and, if indicated, any subdirectories and files in the directory.
Public methodStatic memberPathExists
Determines if a path points to an existing directory or file.
Public methodStatic memberPathGetAttributes
Gets the attributes of a file or directory. If there's no file at the given path, returns null.
Public methodStatic memberPathGetCreationTime
Gets the creation time of a file or directory. If there's nothing at the given path, returns null.
Public methodStatic memberPathGetExtension
Get path extension.
Public methodStatic memberPathGetLastAccessTime
Gets the last access time of a file or directory. If there's nothing at the given path, returns null.
Public methodStatic memberPathGetLastWriteTime
Gets the last write time of a file or directory. If there's nothing at the given path, returns null.
Public methodStatic memberPathGetName
Get the name part of the path.
Public methodStatic memberPathGetNameWithoutExtension
Get the name part of the path without the extension.
Public methodStatic memberPathGetRealPath
Get the real case-sensitive path.
Public methodStatic memberPathGetSize
Gets the size of a file or directory. Always returns null for a directory. If there's no file at the given path, returns null.
Public methodStatic memberPathHasInvalidChars
Determines if the specified path has invalid chars.
Public methodStatic memberPathIsChild(String, String, Boolean)
Tests if a path is a child of another path.
Public methodStatic memberPathIsChild(String, String, Boolean, String)
Tests if a path is a child of another path.
Public methodStatic memberPathIsChildOrEqual
Tests if a path is a child of or equal to another path.
Public methodStatic memberPathIsDirectory
Determines if a path points to an existing directory.
Public methodStatic memberPathIsEqual
Tests if two paths are equal.
Public methodStatic memberPathIsValidFileName
Determines whether the specified text represents a valid file name.
Public methodStatic memberPathMakeSystemFolder
Gives an existing folder the proper attributes to become a system folder.
Public methodStatic memberPathRemoveEndSlash
Removes end slash.
Public methodStatic memberPathRemoveStartSlash
Removes start slash.
Public methodStatic memberPathSetCreationTime
Sets the creation time of a file or directory. Does nothing if there's nothing a t the given path.
Public methodStatic memberPathSetCreationTimeUtc
Sets the creation time of a file or directory. Does nothing if there's nothing a t the given path.
Public methodStatic memberPathSetLastAccessTime
Sets the last access time of a file or directory. Does nothing if there's nothing a t the given path.
Public methodStatic memberPathSetLastAccessTimeUtc
Sets the last access time of a file or directory. Does nothing if there's nothing a t the given path.
Public methodStatic memberPathSetLastWriteTime
Sets the last write time of a file or directory. Does nothing if there's nothing a t the given path.
Public methodStatic memberPathSetLastWriteTimeUtc
Sets the last write time of a file or directory. Does nothing if there's nothing a t the given path.
Public methodStatic memberPathToValidFileName
Converts a text into a valid file name.
Public methodStatic memberPathToValidFilePath
Converts a text into a valid file path.
Public methodStatic memberPathUnmakeSystemFolder
Removes the attributes from a folder that make it a system folder. This folder must actually exist in the file system.
Public methodStatic memberStripTerminatingPathSeparators
Strips the terminating path separators.
Public methodStatic memberToFullString
Gets a string representing all file attributes, including undeclared ones.
Public methodStatic memberUrlCombine
Combines url.
Public methodStatic memberWrapSharingViolations(Action, IOUtilitiesWrapSharingViolationsExceptionsCallback, Int32, Int32)
Calls IO code under a sharing violations handling system.
Public methodStatic memberWrapSharingViolationsT(FuncT, IOUtilitiesWrapSharingViolationsExceptionsCallbackT, Int32, Int32)
Calls IO code under a sharing violations handling system.
Public methodStatic memberWrapSharingViolationsAsync(FuncTask, IOUtilitiesWrapSharingViolationsExceptionsCallbackAsync, Int32, Int32)
Calls IO code under a sharing violations handling system.
Public methodStatic memberWrapSharingViolationsAsyncT(FuncTaskT, IOUtilitiesWrapSharingViolationsExceptionsCallbackAsyncT, Int32, Int32)
Calls IO code under a sharing violations handling system.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultWrapSharingViolationsRetryCount
The default wrap sharing violations retry count value (10).
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultWrapSharingViolationsWaitTime
The default wrap sharing violations wait time value (100).
Public fieldStatic memberLongFileNamePrefix
The long file name prefix "\\?\".
Public fieldStatic memberMinFileTime
The minimum Windows file time value.
See Also