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TaskUtilities Class

As set of Task utilities
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public static class TaskUtilities

The TaskUtilities type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberEnsureSTAThreadTask(Action)
If the current thread is STA, run the specified action, otherwise start an STA thread and run the action in this new thread.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureSTAThreadTaskT(FuncT)
If the current thread is STA, run the specified function, otherwise start an STA thread and run the function in this new thread.
Public methodStatic memberForget
Forgets a task, with acceptable exceptions.
Public methodStatic memberForgetAwait
Forgets a task, with acceptable exceptions, using current synchronization context.
Public methodStatic memberRunTasksInParallelT(IEnumerableT, FuncT, Task, Int32)
Runs a list of tasks in parallel on a list of work items .
Public methodStatic memberRunTasksInParallelT(IEnumerableT, FuncT, CancellationToken, Task, CancellationToken, Int32)
Runs a list of tasks in parallel on a list of work items .
Public methodStatic memberStartSTAThreadTask(Action)
Starts a a new STA thread and run the specified action.
Public methodStatic memberStartSTAThreadTaskT(FuncT)
Starts a a new STA thread and run the specified function.
See Also