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FileSystemEntry Class

Provides properties and instance methods for file and directory handling.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public sealed class FileSystemEntry

The FileSystemEntry type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllocationSize
Gets the amount of space that is allocated for this entry.
Public propertyAttributes
Gets the entry's attributes.
Public propertyByteOffsetForPartitionAlignment
Gets the offset used to align the partition to a physical sector boundary on the storage device, in bytes. If this value is set to STORAGE_INFO_OFFSET_UNKNOWN (0xffffffff), there was insufficient information to compute this field.
Public propertyByteOffsetForSectorAlignment
Gets the logical sector offset within the first physical sector where the first logical sector is placed, in bytes. If this value is set to STORAGE_INFO_OFFSET_UNKNOWN (0xffffffff), there was insufficient information to compute this field.
Public propertyChangeTimeUtc
Gets the time this entry was changed.
Public propertyCreationTimeUtc
Gets the time this entry was created.
Public propertyFileSystemEffectivePhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity
Gets the size of the block used for atomicity by the file system. This may be a trade-off between the optimal size of the physical media and one that is easier to adapt existing code and structures.
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full path name.
Public propertyId
Gets the 128-bit identifier for this entry. The identifier and the volume serial number uniquely identify an entry on a single computer. To determine whether two open handles represent the same entry, combine the identifier and the volume serial number for each entry and compare them.
Public propertyIsDirectory
Gets a value indicating whether is entry is a directory or a file.
Public propertyIsMountPoint
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a mount point.
Public propertyIsSymbolicLink
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a symbolic link.
Public propertyLastAccessTimeUtc
Gets the time this entry was accessed.
Public propertyLastWriteTimeUtc
Gets the time this entry was written.
Public propertyLogicalBytesPerSector
Gets the logical bytes per sector reported by physical storage. This is the smallest size for which uncached I/O is supported.
Public propertyMountPoint
Gets the mount point, if any.
Public propertyName
Gets the name.
Public propertyNumberOfLinks
Gets the number of links to this entry.
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent entry.
Public propertyPhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity
Gets the bytes per sector for atomic writes. Writes smaller than this may require a read before the entire block can be written atomically.
Public propertyPhysicalBytesPerSectorForPerformance
Gets the bytes per sector for optimal performance for writes.
Public propertyStatic memberProcessPlaceholderCompatibilityMode
Gets or sets the process placeholder compatibility mode.
Public propertyReparsePointTag
If the Attributes propery includes the ReparsePoint value, this member specifies the reparse point tag. Otherwise, this value is undefined and should not be used. If the entry was not opened using the FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT attribute, this will be 0.
Public propertySize
Gets the end of entry.
Public propertyStorageFlags
Gets a combination of flags specifying information about the alignment of the storage.
Public propertySymbolicLink
Gets the symbolic link, if any.
Public propertyStatic memberThreadPlaceholderCompatibilityMode
Gets or sets the thread placeholder compatibility mode.
Public propertyUsn
Gets the Update Sequence Number (USN).
Public propertyVolume
Gets the volume that contains this entry.
Public propertyVolumeSerialNumber
Gets the serial number of the volume that contains this entry.
Public methodStatic memberClose
Close an opened entry using the handle.
Public methodStatic memberCreateDirectoryByPath
Creates a new directory using a path.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteById
Deletes an entry using its 128-bit identifier.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteByPath
Deletes an entry using its path.
Public methodStatic memberDirectoryExistsByPath
Determines whether the specified directory exists.
Public methodEnumerateAllChildren
Returns an enumerable collection of all entries in the current directory hierarchy.
Public methodEnumerateChildren
Returns an enumerable collection of entries in the current directory.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberExistsById
Determines whether the specified entry exists, using its 128-bit identifier.
Public methodStatic memberExistsByPath
Determines whether the specified entry exists.
Public methodStatic memberFileExistsByPath
Determines whether the specified file exists.
Public methodStatic memberFromHandle
Gets an entry from a handle.
Public methodStatic memberFromId
Gets an entry using its 128-bit identifier.
Public methodStatic memberFromPath
Gets an entry from a path.
Public methodStatic memberGetAttributesById
Gets the attributes of the file or directory, using its 128-bit identifier.
Public methodStatic memberGetAttributesByPath
Gets the attributes of the file or directory on the path.
Public methodStatic memberGetBasicInformation
Gets the basic information for a path.
Public methodGetFinalPath(FinalPathOptions, Boolean)
Gets the final path for this entry.
Public methodStatic memberGetFinalPath(IntPtr, FinalPathOptions, Boolean)
Gets the final path for the specified handle.
Public methodStatic memberGetFinalPath(String, FinalPathOptions, Boolean)
Gets the final, case-sensitive path for a given path.
Public methodStatic memberGetFullPath(IntPtr, Boolean)
Gets the full path for the specified handle.
Public methodStatic memberGetFullPath(String, Boolean)
Gets the full, case-sensitive path for a given path.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetIdWithVolumeGuid
Gets the volume guid and the file identifier of a path.
Public methodStatic memberGetIdWithVolumeSerialNumber
Gets the volume serial number and file identifier of a path.
Public methodStatic memberGetMountPoint(IntPtr, Boolean)
Gets the mount point of a file or directory using its handle. The handle must have been open using FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT flag.
Public methodStatic memberGetMountPoint(String, Boolean)
Gets the mount point of a file or directory.
Public methodStatic memberGetNameInformation(IntPtr, Boolean)
Gets the name information for a file or directory handle. This method uses NtQueryObject with ObjectNameInformation to get that information.
Public methodStatic memberGetNameInformation(String, Boolean)
Gets the name information for a path. This method uses NtQueryObject with ObjectNameInformation to get that information.
Public methodStatic memberGetReparsePointData(IntPtr, Boolean)
Gets the reparse point data of a file or directory using its handle. The handle must have been open using FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT flag.
Public methodStatic memberGetReparsePointData(String, Boolean)
Gets the reparse point data of a file or directory.
Public methodStatic memberGetSymbolicLink(IntPtr, Boolean)
Gets the symbolic link of a file or directory using its handle. The handle must have been open using FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT flag.
Public methodStatic memberGetSymbolicLink(String, Boolean)
Gets the symbolic link of a file or directory.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetUsn
Gets the Update Sequence Number (USN) of a file or directory.
Public methodStatic memberIsPathPinned
Determines whether the path is pinned.
Public methodStatic memberIsPathUnpinned
Determines whether the path is unpinned.
Public methodStatic memberIsRecycleBinPath
Determines whether a path belongs to the Windows recycle bin.
Public methodStatic memberOpenById
Gets an entry using its 128-bit identifier.
Public methodStatic memberOpenByPath
Opens an entry from a path.
Public methodStatic memberOpenReparsePointById
Gets a reparse point entry using its 128-bit identifier.
Public methodStatic memberOpenReparsePointByPath
Gets a reparse point entry using its path
Public methodStatic memberRenameById
Renames an entry using its 128-bit identifier. It can also be used to move a file if the newName parameter is set to a full file path. Note this method cannot move from a volume to another.
Public methodStatic memberRenameByPath
Renames an entry using its path. It can also be used to move a file if the newName parameter is set to a full file path. Note this method cannot move from a volume to another.
Public methodStatic memberRunById(String, Guid, ActionIntPtr, FileAccess, FileShare, Boolean)
Runs an action on an entry handle opened using its 128-bit identifier.
Public methodStatic memberRunByIdT(String, Guid, FuncIntPtr, T, FileAccess, FileShare, Boolean)
Runs a function on an entry handle opened using its 128-bit identifier.
Public methodStatic memberRunByPath(String, ActionIntPtr, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Boolean)
Runs an action on an entry handle opened using its path.
Public methodStatic memberRunByPathT(String, FuncIntPtr, T, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Boolean)
Runs a function on an entry handle opened using its path.
Public methodStatic memberSetAttributesById
Sets an entry attributes using its 128-bit identifier.
Public methodStatic memberSetAttributesByPath
Sets an entry attributes using its path.
Public methodStatic memberSetBasicInformationById(String, Guid, FileSystemBasicInfo, Boolean)
Sets basic information of an entry using its 128-bit identifier. If a DateTime parameter is set to DateTime.MinValue, the corresponding entry value will not be changed. DateTime parameters kind must be either Utc or Local, but not Unspecified. If the attributes parameter is set to 0, the corresponding entry value will not be changed. Note that some attributes (such as ReadOnly) should be changed using the SetAttributes method.
Public methodStatic memberSetBasicInformationById(String, Guid, DateTime, DateTime, DateTime, DateTime, FileAttributes, Boolean)
Sets basic information of an entry using its 128-bit identifier. If a DateTime parameter is set to DateTime.MinValue, the corresponding entry value will not be changed. DateTime parameters kind must be either Utc or Local, but not Unspecified. If the attributes parameter is set to 0, the corresponding entry value will not be changed. Note that some attributes (such as ReadOnly) should be changed using the SetAttributes method.
Public methodStatic memberSetBasicInformationByPath(String, FileSystemBasicInfo, Boolean)
Sets basic information of an entry using its path. If a DateTime parameter is set to DateTime.MinValue, the corresponding entry value will not be changed. DateTime parameters kind must be either Utc or Local, but not Unspecified. If the attributes parameter is set to 0, the corresponding entry value will not be changed. Note that some attributes (such as ReadOnly) should be changed using the SetAttributes method.
Public methodStatic memberSetBasicInformationByPath(String, DateTime, DateTime, DateTime, DateTime, FileAttributes, Boolean)
Sets basic information of an entry using its path. If a DateTime parameter is set to DateTime.MinValue, the corresponding entry value will not be changed. DateTime parameters kind must be either Utc or Local, but not Unspecified. If the attributes parameter is set to 0, the corresponding entry value will not be changed. Note that some attributes (such as ReadOnly) should be changed using the SetAttributes method.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodStatic memberUnprotect
Removes the ReadOnly attribute of an entry using its 128-bit identifier.
See Also