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callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities Namespace

A set of various utilities for ShellBoost developers.
Public classAssemblyUtilities
A set of Assembly utilities.
Public classChangeNotifier
Listens to Windows Shell change notifications and raises events when a notification is received. Note events can arrive from any thread.
Public classChangeNotifyEntry
Contains and receives information for change notifications. This structure is used with the ChangeNotifyRegister function.
Public classChangeNotifyEventArgs
Provides data for the Notify event of the ChangeNotifier type.
Public classChunkedMemoryStream
Defines a MemoryStream that does not sit on the Large Object Heap, thus avoiding memory fragmentation.
Public classCircularCollectionT
Represents a thread-safe, strongly typed, circular collection of objects.
Public classClassFactoryCreateInstanceEventArgT
Provides data for the CreateInstance event of the ComClassFactory type.
Public classComClassFactoryT
Defines a COM class factory for a given type.
Public classComLocalServer
Defines a COM local server.
Public classCommandLine
A command line set of utilities.
Public classComServer
Represents a COM server
Public classConcurrentCircularCollectionT
Represents a thread-safe, strongly typed, circular collection of objects.
Public classConcurrentListT
Represents a thread-safe, strongly typed, list of objects that can be accessed by index.
Public classConsoleAndFileLogger
An ILogger implementation that logs to the Console and to a file.
Public classConsoleLogger
An ILogger implementation that logs to the Console.
Public classConversions
A set of methods for type conversion.
Public classCrc64
A utility class to compute a crc 64.
Public classCrc64Iso
A utility class to compute a crc 64 using ISO 3309 polynomial.
Public classDiagnosticsInformation
A utility class to get diagnostics information.
Public classDictionarySerializerT
A utility class to serialize a dictionary into a string, and deserialize a string into a dictionary.
Public classDispatcherQueueController
Manages the lifetime of a Windows Runtime DispatcherQueues.
Public classDynamicComObject
Defines a dynamic wrapper class over a COM object. Only useful for supporting .NET Core code.
Public classExtensions
A set of utility methods extensions.
Public classFileFinishOperationsEventArgs
Provides data for the FinishOperations event of a FileOperation.
Public classFileOperation
Represents a Windows Shell file operation. This class cannot be inherited. This class requires an STA thread to operate properly. Interesting error results are located in Windows SKD's sherrors.h.
Public classFileStreamDescriptor
A utility class that represents a FILEDESCRIPTOR and its associated stream.
Public classFileSystemBasicInfo
Contains the basic information for a file.
Public classFileSystemEntry
Provides properties and instance methods for file and directory handling.
Public classFileSystemMountPoint
A mount point provides an entry point to another volume or path.
Public classFileSystemSymbolicLink
A symbolic link provides an entry point to another file system object.
Public classFileSystemVolume
Provides properties and instance methods for file system volume handling.
Public classFileTransferEventArgs
Provides data for events of a FileOperation.
Public classFileUpdateProgressEventArgs
Provides data for the UpdateProgress event of a FileOperation.
Public classFolderPicker
Represents a Common Dialog Box that allows a user to specify a folder to pick.
Public classIconComparer
A comparer that can sort bitmaps using the color count, size (width * height) and, optionally, index in a file if they were extracted from a common file.
Public classIconInformation
Defines a class that contains icon additional information. It's assigned to a Bitmap.Tag property by the IconUtilities methods.
Public classIconUtilities
Defines a set of Icon utilities.
Public classImageUtilities
As set of image utilities.
Public classIOUtilities
As set of IO utilities.
Public classLocalFileSystemWatcher
Listens to the file system change notifications and raises events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes. Windows 10, version 1709 or higher is needed..
Public classLocalFileSystemWatcherEventArgs
Provides data for the Event event of the LocalFileSystemWatcher class.
Public classLogicalStringComparer
A comparer that uses the Shell's logical comparer. See the StrCmpLogicalW native function for more info in this.
Public classNamespaceLocations
A list of well-known namespace locations.
Public classObservableSetT
Represents a set that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
Public classOctreeQuantizer
Defines an Octree Quantizer. The code is from Morgan Skinner's article on optimizing color quantization at
Public classPathSegmentList
A utility class that represents a file or directory path, using its segments.
Public classPostFileTransferEventArgs
Provides data for events of a FileOperation.
Public classPreFileTransferEventArgs
Provides data for events of a FileOperation.
Public classQuantizer
Defines an abstract class for Quantization. The code is from Morgan Skinner's article on optimizing color quantization at
Public classRestartManager
A utility class to restart programs the most gracefully possible. Wraps Windows Restart Manager API. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classShellFolderCustomSettings
Represents a Shell Folder custom settings (desktop.ini).
Public classShellStringComparer
A comparer that uses the current Shell comparer. Depending on machine's configuration, the comparison can be using the StrCmpLogicalW (the default) or the StrCmpI native function.
Public classShellUtilities
A set of Windows Shell utilities.
Public classShellUtilitiesFolderShortcut
The CLSID_FolderShortcut COM coclass.
Public classShellUtilitiesShellBrowserWindow
The CLSID_ShellBrowserWindow COM coclass.
Public classShellUtilitiesShellFSFolder
The CLSID_ShellFSFolder COM coclass.
Public classShellUtilitiesShellItem
The CLSID_ShellItem COM coclass.
Public classShellUtilitiesShellLink
The CLSID_ShellLink COM coclass.
Public classShellUtilitiesShellNameSpace
The CLSID_ShellNameSpace COM coclass.
Public classShellUtilitiesShellUIHelper
The CLSID_ShellUIHelper COM coclass.
Public classShellUtilitiesShellWindows
The CLSID_ShellWindows COM coclass.
Public classSingleInstance
A utility class to handle single instance Winforms or WPF applications, based on a Mutex. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classSingleThreadTaskScheduler
A Task Scheduler class that execute tasks in a queue that is dequeued by the same single thread.
Public classStockIcon
A utility class to read Windows stock icons.
Public classStreamOnIStream
Defines a .NET stream wrapper over a native Win32 IStream.
Public classSyntheticLocalFileSystemWatcherEventArgs
Provides data for the Event event of the LocalFileSystemWatcher class.
Public classTaskUtilities
As set of Task utilities
Public classWebFileCache
A utility class that represents a set of cached HTTP or HTTPS files (HTML, images, etc.)
Public classWebFileCacheClient
An overload version of the standard WebClient that supports cookies, request timeout and the if-modified-since header.
Public classWebFileCacheEventArgs
Provides data for the ClientRequestSetup event of WebFileCache.
Public classWebFileCacheInfo
Represents a web file information for a file in the WebCache.
Public classWebFileCacheRequestOptions
Defines options for a WebFileCache request.
Public classWin32FindData
As set of Task utilities to enumerate files.
Public classWin32FindDataEventArgs
Provides data for the Win32FindData enumeration functions.
Public classWin32Window
A wrapper class for IWin32Window. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classWindowProperty
Defines a Window property.
Public classWindowsUtilities
As set of windows utilities.
Protected structureQuantizerColor32
Struct that defines a 32 bpp colour
Public structureWindowPlacement
Contains information about the placement of a window on the screen. This is a wrapper on Windows' WINDOWPLACEMENT structure.
Public interfaceILogger
An interface that defines a logger.
Public enumerationBitDepth
Defines bit depth for OctreeQuantizer.
Public enumerationCWP
Defines options to skip child windows.
Specifies various capabilities when initializing COM security.
Public enumerationFileSystemEntryEnumerationOptions
A combination of file system entry enumeration options.
Public enumerationFileSystemStorageInfoFlags
A combination of flags specifying information about the alignment of the storage.
Public enumerationFileSystemVolumeFlags
A combination of flags associated with the specified file system.
Public enumerationFinalPathOptions
A combination of flags specifying the type of result to return.
Public enumerationIconMode
Define the Icon mode. This is equivalent to most values of Windows Shell SHGFI_* attributes.
Public enumerationLocalFileSystemWatcherSynthetizeOptions
Defines options to synthetize some LocalFileSystemWatcher events.
Public enumerationNameFormat
Specifies a format for a directory service object name.
Public enumerationPHCM
Defines the placeholder compatibility mode.
Public enumerationRDW
Defines options that can be used to invalidate or validate a window, control repainting, and control which windows are affected by RedrawWindow.
Public enumerationRefreshViewsOptions
Provides options when refreshing a Windows Shell view.
Public enumerationREGCLS
Controls the type of connections to a class object.
Public enumerationRPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL
Specifies an authentication level, which indicates the amount of authentication provided to help protect the integrity of the data. Each level includes the protection provided by the previous levels.
Public enumerationRPC_C_IMP_LEVEL
Specifies an impersonation level, which indicates the amount of authority given to the server when it is impersonating the client.
Public enumerationSERVICE_STATE
The current state of a Windows service.
Public enumerationSTATFLAG
Indicates whether the method should try to return a name in the pwcsName member of the STATSTG structure.
Public enumerationSTGC
Specify the conditions for performing the commit operation in the IStorage::Commit and IStream::Commit methods.
Public enumerationStockIconSHGSI
Some of the SHGSI_* values.
Public enumerationStockIconId
Public enumerationSWP
Defines a window sizing and positioning options.
Public enumerationSYMLINK_FLAGS
Defines options for a symbolic link.
Public enumerationTokenElevationType
Indicates the elevation type of UAC token.
Public enumerationWDA
Defines a window display affinity.
Public enumerationWin32FindDataEnumerateOptions
Defines options for enumeration methods.
Public enumerationWL
Defines known zero-based offset to the value to be get or set using GetWindowLong methods.
Public enumerationWS
Defines a window styles.
Public enumerationWS_EX
Defines a window extended styles.