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NameFormat Enumeration

Specifies a format for a directory service object name.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum NameFormat
  Member nameValueDescription
FullyQualifiedDN1 The fully qualified distinguished name (for example, CN=Jeff Smith,OU=Users,DC=Engineering,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com).
SamCompatible2 A legacy account name (for example, Engineering\JSmith). The domain-only version includes trailing backslashes (\).
Display3 A "friendly" display name (for example, Jeff Smith). The display name is not necessarily the defining relative distinguished name (RDN).
UniqueId4 A GUID string that the IIDFromString function returns (for example, {4fa050f0-f561-11cf-bdd9-00aa003a77b6}).
Canonical5 The complete canonical name (for example, The domain-only version includes a trailing forward slash (/).
UserPrincipal6 The user principal name (for example,
CanonicalEx7 The same as NameCanonical except that the rightmost forward slash (/) is replaced with a new line character (\n), even in a domain-only case (for example,\nJSmith).
ServicePrincipal8 The generalized service principal name (for example, www/
DnsDomain9 The DNS domain name followed by a backward-slash and the SAM user name.
GivenName10 The given name.
Surname11 The surname.
See Also