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Extensions Class

A set of utility methods extensions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public static class Extensions

The Extensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddCF_HDROP
Adds a CF_HDROP format to the data object.
Public methodStatic memberAddCFSTR_SHELLIDLIST
Adds a CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST format to the data object.
Public methodStatic memberAddFormat(IDataObjectFormats, Int32, Byte)
Adds a format to the data object. This format will be used only if at least one DataObject is added.
Public methodStatic memberAddFormat(IDataObjectFormats, String, Byte)
Adds a format to the data object. This format will be used only if at least one DataObject is added.
Public methodStatic memberAddFormat(IDataObjectFormats, Int32, String, Encoding)
Adds a text to the data object. This format will be used only if at least one DataObject is added.
Public methodStatic memberAddFormat(IDataObjectFormats, String, String, Encoding)
Adds a format to the data object. This format will be used only if at least one DataObject is added.
Public methodStatic memberCreateShellDataObject
Creates a data object in a parent folder. This will automatically add CF_HDROP, CFSTR_FILENAME and CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST formats.
Public methodStatic memberEnumerateAllExceptions
Enumerates all exceptions and inner exceptions from a given exception.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllMessages(Exception)
Gets a compilation of all messages of an exception.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllMessages(Exception, String)
Gets a compilation of all messages of an exception.
Public methodStatic memberGetCommonParent
Gets the common parent ShellItemIdList folder.
Public methodStatic memberGetCommonRoot
Gets the common root ShellItemIdList folder.
Public methodStatic memberGetInterestingException
Gets the interesting exception from an exception. Removes intermediate TargetInvocationExceptions.
Public methodStatic memberGetInterestingExceptionMessage
Gets the interesting message from an exception. Removes intermediate TargetInvocationExceptions.
Public methodStatic memberGetValue(IDictionaryPropertyKey, Object, PropertyKey, Object)
Gets a value from a PropertyKey dictionary.
Public methodStatic memberGetValueT(IDictionaryPropertyKey, Object, PropertyKey, T)
Gets a value from a PropertyKey dictionary.
Public methodStatic memberIsExplorer
Determines whether the specified process is Windows Explorer.
Public methodStatic memberOpenView(IntPtr, OFASI, Boolean)
Opens a Windows Explorer window.
Public methodStatic memberOpenView(IWithIdList, OFASI, Boolean)
Opens a Windows Explorer window.
Public methodStatic memberOpenViewAndSelect(IEnumerableIWithIdList, OFASI, Boolean)
Opens a Windows Explorer window with specified items in a particular folder selected. All children must share a common parent folder.
Public methodStatic memberOpenViewAndSelect(IEnumerableIntPtr, OFASI, Boolean)
Opens a Windows Explorer window with specified items in a particular folder selected. All children must share a common parent folder.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(Byte)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(Int16)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(Int32)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(Int64)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(IntPtr)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(NullableByte)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(NullableInt16)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(NullableInt32)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(NullableInt64)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(NullableSByte)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(NullableUInt16)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(NullableUInt32)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(NullableUInt64)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(SByte)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(UInt16)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(UInt32)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHex(UInt64)
Converts to hexadecimal representation.
Public methodStatic memberWithPointer(IWithIdList, ActionIntPtr)
Allocates a buffer, runs the specified action and free the buffer.
Public methodStatic memberWithPointerT(IWithIdList, FuncIntPtr, T)
Allocates a buffer, runs the specified function and free the buffer.
Public methodStatic memberWithPointers(IEnumerableIWithIdList, ActionIReadOnlyListIntPtr)
Allocates buffers, runs the specified action and free the buffers.
Public methodStatic memberWithPointersT(IEnumerableIWithIdList, FuncIReadOnlyListIntPtr, T)
Allocates buffers, runs the specified function and free the buffers.
See Also