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Crc64Iso Class

A utility class to compute a crc 64 using ISO 3309 polynomial.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public class Crc64Iso : Crc64

The Crc64Iso type exposes the following members.

Public methodCrc64Iso
Initializes a new instance of the Crc64Iso class.
Public methodCrc64Iso(UInt64)
Initializes a new instance of the Crc64Iso class.
Public propertyCanReuseTransform
Gets a value indicating whether the current transform can be reused.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public propertyCanTransformMultipleBlocks
When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether multiple blocks can be transformed.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public propertyHash
Gets the value of the computed hash code.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public propertyHashSize
Gets the size, in bits, of the computed hash code.
(Inherited from Crc64.)
Public propertyInputBlockSize
When overridden in a derived class, gets the input block size.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public propertyOutputBlockSize
When overridden in a derived class, gets the output block size.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public methodClear
Releases all resources used by the HashAlgorithm class.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public methodStatic memberCompute(Byte)
Computes the specified buffer.
Public methodStatic memberCompute(UInt64, Byte)
Computes the specified seed.
Public methodComputeHash(Byte)
Computes the hash value for the specified byte array.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public methodComputeHash(Stream)
Computes the hash value for the specified Stream object.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public methodComputeHash(Byte, Int32, Int32)
Computes the hash value for the specified region of the specified byte array.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the current instance of the HashAlgorithm class.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the HashAlgorithm and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodHashCore
When overridden in a derived class, routes data written to the object into the hash algorithm for computing the hash.
(Inherited from Crc64.)
Protected methodHashFinal
When overridden in a derived class, finalizes the hash computation after the last data is processed by the cryptographic stream object.
(Inherited from Crc64.)
Public methodInitialize
Initializes an implementation of the HashAlgorithm class.
(Inherited from Crc64.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransformBlock
Computes the hash value for the specified region of the input byte array and copies the specified region of the input byte array to the specified region of the output byte array.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public methodTransformFinalBlock
Computes the hash value for the specified region of the specified byte array.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Protected fieldHashSizeValue
Represents the size, in bits, of the computed hash code.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Protected fieldHashValue
Represents the value of the computed hash code.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
Public fieldStatic memberIso3309Polynomial
The ISO 3309 polynomial
Protected fieldState
Represents the state of the hash computation.
(Inherited from HashAlgorithm.)
See Also