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FileSystemVolumeFlags Enumeration

A combination of flags associated with the specified file system.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum FileSystemVolumeFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
FILE_CASE_SENSITIVE_SEARCH1 The specified volume supports case-sensitive file names.
FILE_CASE_PRESERVED_NAMES2 The specified volume supports preserved case of file names when it places a name on disk.
FILE_UNICODE_ON_DISK4 The specified volume supports Unicode in file names as they appear on disk.
FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS8 The specified volume preserves and enforces access control lists (ACL). For example, the NTFS file system preserves and enforces ACLs, and the FAT file system does not.
FILE_FILE_COMPRESSION16 The specified volume supports file-based compression.
FILE_VOLUME_QUOTAS32 The specified volume supports disk quotas.
FILE_SUPPORTS_SPARSE_FILES64 The specified volume supports sparse files.
FILE_SUPPORTS_REPARSE_POINTS128 The specified volume supports reparse points.
FILE_SUPPORTS_REMOTE_STORAGE256 The file system supports remote storage.
FILE_RETURNS_CLEANUP_RESULT_INFO512 On a successful cleanup operation, the file system returns information that describes additional actions taken during cleanup, such as deleting the file. File system filters can examine this information in their post-cleanup callback.
FILE_SUPPORTS_POSIX_UNLINK_RENAME1024 The file system supports POSIX-style delete and rename operations.
FILE_VOLUME_IS_COMPRESSED32768 The specified volume is a compressed volume, for example, a DoubleSpace volume.
FILE_SUPPORTS_OBJECT_IDS65536 The specified volume supports object identifiers.
FILE_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION131072 The specified volume supports the Encrypted File System (EFS).
FILE_NAMED_STREAMS262144 The specified volume supports named streams.
FILE_READ_ONLY_VOLUME524288 The specified volume is read-only.
FILE_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_ONCE1048576 The specified volume supports a single sequential write.
FILE_SUPPORTS_TRANSACTIONS2097152 The specified volume supports transactions.
FILE_SUPPORTS_HARD_LINKS4194304 The specified volume supports hard links.
FILE_SUPPORTS_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES8388608 The specified volume supports extended attributes. An extended attribute is a piece of application-specific metadata that an application can associate with a file and is not part of the file's data.
FILE_SUPPORTS_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID16777216 The file system supports OpenByFileID.
FILE_SUPPORTS_USN_JOURNAL33554432 The specified volume supports update sequence number (USN) journals.
FILE_SUPPORTS_INTEGRITY_STREAMS67108864 The file system supports integrity streams.
FILE_SUPPORTS_BLOCK_REFCOUNTING134217728 The file system supports block cloning, that is, sharing logical clusters between files on the same volume. The file system reallocates on writes to shared clusters.
FILE_SUPPORTS_SPARSE_VDL268435456 The file system tracks whether each cluster of a file contains valid data (either from explicit file writes or automatic zeros) or invalid data (has not yet been written to or zeroed).
FILE_DAX_VOLUME536870912 The specified volume is a direct access (DAX) volume.
FILE_SUPPORTS_GHOSTING1073741824 The file system supports ghosting.
See Also