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IconMode Enumeration

Define the Icon mode. This is equivalent to most values of Windows Shell SHGFI_* attributes.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public enum IconMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Default0 The default behavior.
ShellSize4 Causes the function to retrieve a Shell-sized icon. If this flag is not specified the function sizes the icon according to the system metric values.
Selected65536 Causes the function to blend the file's icon with the system highlight color.
Open2 Causes the function to retrieve the file's open icon.
LinkOverlay32768 Causes the function to add the link overlay to the file's icon.
AddOverlays32 Causes the function to apply the appropriate overlays to the file's icon.
Small1 Causes the function to retrieve the file's small icon.
SysIconIndex16384 Retrieve the index of a system image list icon.
See Also