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Conversions Class

A set of methods for type conversion.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Utilities
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public static class Conversions

The Conversions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberChangeType(Object, Type)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. If conversion failed, the default value for the expected type will be used.
Public methodStatic memberChangeType(Object, Type, Object)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. If conversion failed, the specified default value will be used.
Public methodStatic memberChangeType(Object, Type, Object, IFormatProvider)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. If conversion failed, the specified default value will be used.
Public methodStatic memberChangeTypeT(Object)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. If conversion failed, the default value for the expected type will be used.
Public methodStatic memberChangeTypeT(Object, T)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. If conversion failed, a specified default value will be used.
Public methodStatic memberChangeTypeT(Object, T, IFormatProvider)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. If conversion failed, a specified default value will be used.
Public methodStatic memberCompareTKey, TValue
Compares two dictionaries.
Public methodStatic memberComputeGuidHash
Computes hash as a 128-bit guid.
Public methodStatic memberComputeInt64Hash
Computes a 64-bit signed integer hash.
Public methodStatic memberComputeUInt64Hash
Computes a 64-bit unsigned integer hash.
Public methodStatic memberEnumToObject
Converts the specified enum value object to an enumeration member.
Public methodStatic memberEnumToUInt64(Object)
Converts an enum value object to an unsigned 64-bit integer.
Public methodStatic memberEnumToUInt64(String, Type)
Converts a string representation of an enum value to an unsigned 64-bit integer.
Public methodStatic memberEnumTryParse
Converts an input object to an equivalent enumerated object. The return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
Public methodStatic memberEqualsIgnoreCase
Test two strings for equality using OrdinalIgnoreCase string comparison.
Public methodStatic memberGetEnumeratedType
Gets the item type of a collection type.
Public methodStatic memberGetHexaByte
Gets the byte from an hexadecimal character. Returns 255 (0xFF) is the character is not hexadecimal.
Public methodStatic memberGetNewFileName
Compute a new name from a tentative name and a function that tests if a name exists.
Public methodStatic memberGetNewFileNameAsync
Compute a new name from a tentative name and a function that tests if a name exists.
Public methodStatic memberGetNullifiedValue(IDictionaryString, String, String, String)
Gets a string value from a dictionary by its key/name. If the value is not found, the specified default value will be returned. A whitespaces or empty string will be converted to null.
Public methodStatic memberGetNullifiedValue(IDictionaryString, Object, String, IFormatProvider, String)
Gets a string value from a dictionary by its key/name. If the value is not found, the specified default value will be returned. A whitespaces or empty string will be converted to null.
Public methodStatic memberGetValueT(IDictionaryString, Object, String, T, IFormatProvider)
Gets a value from a dictionary by its key/name.
Public methodStatic memberGetValueT(IDictionaryString, String, String, T, IFormatProvider)
Gets a value from a dictionary by its key/name.
Public methodStatic memberIsFlagsEnum
Determines whether a type is Flags (multi-valued) enum type.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidFileTime(DateTime)
Determines if a given DateTime is a valid file time.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidFileTime(DateTimeOffset)
Determines if a given DateTimeOffset is a valid file time.
Public methodStatic memberNullify
Nullifies (trim and treat an empty string as null) the specified text.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveMilliseconds(DateTime)
Removes the milliseconds from a DateTime instance.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveMilliseconds(DateTimeOffset)
Removes the milliseconds from a DateTimeOffset instance.
Public methodStatic memberReplace
Returns a new string in which all occurrences of a specified string in the current instance are replaced with another specified string, using the provided comparison type.
Public methodStatic memberSplitToListT(String, Char)
Splits a text into a list of values.
Public methodStatic memberSplitToListT(String, IFormatProvider, Char)
Splits a text into a list of values.
Public methodStatic memberStructuresToBytesT
Marshals data from a list of managed object of a specified type to array of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberStructuresToPtrT
Marshals data from a list of managed object of a specified type to array of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberStructureToBytesT
Marshals data from a managed object of a specified type to array of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberToBytesFromHexa
Converts the string representation of hexadecimal values to an array of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberToCompareIdReturnValue
Converts a result of a comparison to the CompareIdReturnValue type.
Public methodStatic memberToDateTime
Converts a FILETIME to a DateTime.
Public methodStatic memberToDateTimeOffset
Converts a FILETIME to a DateTimeOffset.
Public methodStatic memberToDateTimeUtc
Converts a FILETIME to a UTC DateTime.
Public methodStatic memberToDictionary
Converts a non-generic dictionary to a generic one.
Public methodStatic memberToEnum(Object, Enum)
Converts an input value to an enumeration member
Public methodStatic memberToEnum(String, Enum)
Converts an input string to an enumeration member
Public methodStatic memberToEnum(String, Type)
Converts an input string to an enumeration member
Public methodStatic memberToFileTime(DateTime)
Converts a DateTime to an UTC file time. The returned file time can be a negative value. In this case, it's not a valid Win32 FILETIME.
Public methodStatic memberToFileTime(DateTimeOffset)
Converts a DateTimeOffset to an UTC file time. The returned file time can be a negative value. In this case, it's not a valid Win32 FILETIME.
Public methodStatic memberToFileTime(FILETIME)
Converts a FILETIME to an Int64 file time.
Public methodStatic memberToFileTime(Int64)
Converts an Int64 file tie to a FILETIME.
Public methodStatic memberToHexa(Byte)
Converts an array of bytes to its hexadecimal string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHexa(Byte, Int32)
Converts an array of bytes to its hexadecimal string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHexa(Byte, Int32, Int32)
Converts an array of bytes to its hexadecimal string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHexaDump(Byte, Int32)
Converts an array of bytes to an hexadecimal dump representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHexaDump(Byte, String)
Converts a buffer to an hexadecimal dump representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHexaDump(IntPtr, Int32)
Converts a buffer to an hexadecimal dump representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHexaDump(String, Encoding)
Converts a text to an hexadecimal dump representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHexaDump(Byte, Int32, Int32, String, Boolean)
Converts an array of bytes to an hexadecimal dump representation.
Public methodStatic memberToHexaDump(IntPtr, Int32, Int32, String, Boolean)
Converts a buffer to an hexadecimal dump representation.
Public methodStatic memberToPositiveFileTime(DateTime)
Converts a DateTime to an always positive or zero file time. It's always a valid Win32 FILETIME.
Public methodStatic memberToPositiveFileTime(DateTimeOffset)
Converts a DateTimeOffset to an always positive or zero file time. It's always a valid Win32 FILETIME.
Public methodStatic memberToStringNoZero
Converts an enum value to a string without using the possible zero values.
Public methodStatic memberToStructureT
Converts a byte array into a structure.
Public methodStatic memberTryChangeType(Object, Type, Object)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
Public methodStatic memberTryChangeType(Object, Type, IFormatProvider, Object)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
Public methodStatic memberTryChangeTypeT(Object, T)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
Public methodStatic memberTryChangeTypeT(Object, IFormatProvider, T)
Converts the input object to a specified typed equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
Public fieldStatic memberMinFileTime
Gets the minimum file time as a DateTime.
Public fieldStatic memberMinFileTimeOffset
Gets the minimum file time as a DateTimeOffset.
See Also