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Describes attributes of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS enumeration..

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsPropertySystem
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
  Member nameValueDescription
PDTF_DEFAULT0 The property uses the default values for all attributes.
PDTF_MULTIPLEVALUES1 The property can have multiple values. These values are stored as a VT_VECTOR in the PROPVARIANT structure. This value is set by the multipleValues attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
PDTF_ISINNATE2 This flag indicates that a property is read-only, and cannot be written to. This value is set by the isInnate attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
PDTF_ISGROUP4 The property is a group heading. This value is set by the isGroup attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
PDTF_CANGROUPBY8 The user can group by this property. This value is set by the canGroupBy attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
PDTF_CANSTACKBY16 The user can stack by this property. This value is set by the canStackBy attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
PDTF_ISTREEPROPERTY32 This property contains a hierarchy. This value is set by the isTreeProperty attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
PDTF_INCLUDEINFULLTEXTQUERY64Deprecated in Windows 7 and later. Include this property in any full text query that is performed. This value is set by the includeInFullTextQuery attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
PDTF_ISVIEWABLE128 This property is meant to be viewed by the user. This influences whether the property shows up in the "Choose Columns" dialog box, for example. This value is set by the isViewable attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
PDTF_ISQUERYABLE256Deprecated in Windows 7 and later. This property is included in the list of properties that can be queried. A queryable property must also be viewable. This influences whether the property shows up in the query builder UI. This value is set by the isQueryable attribute of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
PDTF_CANBEPURGED512Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and later. Used with an innate property (that is, a value calculated from other property values) to indicate that it can be deleted. This value is used by the Remove Properties UI to determine whether to display a check box next to a property that enables that property to be selected for removal. Note that a property that is not innate can always be purged regardless of the presence or absence of this flag.
PDTF_SEARCHRAWVALUE1024 The PDTF searchrawvalue
PDTF_DONTCOERCEEMPTYSTRINGS2048Windows 7 and later. The unformatted (raw) property value should be used for searching.
PDTF_ALWAYSINSUPPLEMENTALSTORE4096 The PDTF alwaysinsupplementalstore
PDTF_ISSYSTEMPROPERTY-2147483648 This property is owned by the system.
PDTF_MASK_ALL-2147475457 A mask used to retrieve all flags.
See Also