callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsPropertySystem Namespace |
Class | Description | |
MemoryPropertyStore |
A utility class that represents an in-memory Property Store.
Serialization methods use the standard IPropertyStore and INamedPropertyStore serialization format.
This class cannot be inherited.
| |
Microsoft |
The Microsoft properties namespace.
| |
MicrosoftOneNote |
The Microsoft.OneNote properties namespace.
| |
MicrosoftVisio |
The Microsoft.Visio properties namespace.
| |
PropertyDescription |
A utility class that wraps the Windows Property System's IPropertyDescription interface.
This class cannot be inherited.
| |
PropertyDescriptionList |
A utility class that helps manage Windows Property System property lists. This class cannot be inherited.
| |
PropertyEnumType |
A utility class that wraps the Windows Property System's IPropertyEnumType interface.
This class cannot be inherited.
| |
PropertySystem |
A set of Windows Property System utility methods.
| |
PropVariant |
Defines a utility class that wraps Windows' PROPVARIANT structure.
| |
System |
The System properties namespace.
| |
SystemActions |
The System.Actions properties namespace.
| |
SystemActivity |
The System.Activity properties namespace.
| |
SystemActivityHistory |
The System.ActivityHistory properties namespace.
| |
SystemAddress |
The System.Address properties namespace.
| |
SystemAppContract |
The System.AppContract properties namespace.
| |
SystemAppUserModel |
The System.AppUserModel properties namespace.
| |
SystemAppUserModelPinMigration |
The System.AppUserModel.PinMigration properties namespace.
| |
SystemAudio |
The System.Audio properties namespace.
| |
SystemCalendar |
The System.Calendar properties namespace.
| |
SystemCommunication |
The System.Communication properties namespace.
| |
SystemComputer |
The System.Computer properties namespace.
| |
SystemConnectedSearch |
The System.ConnectedSearch properties namespace.
| |
SystemContact |
The System.Contact properties namespace.
| |
SystemContactJA |
The System.Contact.JA properties namespace.
| |
SystemControlPanel |
The System.ControlPanel properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevice |
The System.Device properties namespace.
| |
SystemDeviceInterface |
The System.DeviceInterface properties namespace.
| |
SystemDeviceInterfaceBluetooth |
The System.DeviceInterface.Bluetooth properties namespace.
| |
SystemDeviceInterfaceHid |
The System.DeviceInterface.Hid properties namespace.
| |
SystemDeviceInterfaceProximity |
The System.DeviceInterface.Proximity properties namespace.
| |
SystemDeviceInterfaceSensors |
The System.DeviceInterface.Sensors properties namespace.
| |
SystemDeviceInterfaceSerial |
The System.DeviceInterface.Serial properties namespace.
| |
SystemDeviceInterfaceSpb |
The System.DeviceInterface.Spb properties namespace.
| |
SystemDeviceInterfaceWinUsb |
The System.DeviceInterface.WinUsb properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevices |
The System.Devices properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAep |
The System.Devices.Aep properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepBluetooth |
The System.Devices.Aep.Bluetooth properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepBluetoothCod |
The System.Devices.Aep.Bluetooth.Cod properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepBluetoothCodServices |
The System.Devices.Aep.Bluetooth.Cod.Services properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepBluetoothLe |
The System.Devices.Aep.Bluetooth.Le properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepBluetoothLeAppearance |
The System.Devices.Aep.Bluetooth.Le.Appearance properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepPointOfService |
The System.Devices.Aep.PointOfService properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepContainer |
The System.Devices.AepContainer properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepContainerDialProtocol |
The System.Devices.AepContainer.DialProtocol properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepService |
The System.Devices.AepService properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepServiceBluetooth |
The System.Devices.AepService.Bluetooth properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAepServiceIoT |
The System.Devices.AepService.IoT properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAudioDevice |
The System.Devices.AudioDevice properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAudioDeviceMicrophone |
The System.Devices.AudioDevice.Microphone properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesAudioPosture |
The System.Devices.AudioPosture properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesDialProtocol |
The System.Devices.DialProtocol properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesDnssd |
The System.Devices.Dnssd properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesMicrophoneArray |
The System.Devices.MicrophoneArray properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesNotifications |
The System.Devices.Notifications properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesPanel |
The System.Devices.Panel properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesPhoneLineTransportDevice |
The System.Devices.PhoneLineTransportDevice properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesSmartCards |
The System.Devices.SmartCards properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesWiFi |
The System.Devices.WiFi properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesWiFiDirect |
The System.Devices.WiFiDirect properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesWiFiDirectServices |
The System.Devices.WiFiDirectServices properties namespace.
| |
SystemDevicesWwan |
The System.Devices.Wwan properties namespace.
| |
SystemDocument |
The System.Document properties namespace.
| |
SystemDRM |
The System.DRM properties namespace.
| |
SystemExtensions |
The System.Extensions properties namespace.
| |
SystemFonts |
The System.Fonts properties namespace.
| |
SystemGame |
The System.Game properties namespace.
| |
SystemGeneric |
The System.Generic properties namespace.
| |
SystemGPS |
The System.GPS properties namespace.
| |
SystemHistory |
The System.History properties namespace.
| |
SystemHome |
The System.Home properties namespace.
| |
SystemHomePropList |
The System.Home.PropList properties namespace.
| |
SystemIdentity |
The System.Identity properties namespace.
| |
SystemIdentityProvider |
The System.IdentityProvider properties namespace.
| |
SystemImage |
The System.Image properties namespace.
| |
SystemItemCustomState |
The System.ItemCustomState properties namespace.
| |
SystemJournal |
The System.Journal properties namespace.
| |
SystemLauncher |
The System.Launcher properties namespace.
| |
SystemLayoutPattern |
The System.LayoutPattern properties namespace.
| |
SystemLink |
The System.Link properties namespace.
| |
SystemLOGON |
The System.LOGON properties namespace.
| |
SystemLzhFolder |
The System.LzhFolder properties namespace.
| |
SystemMedia |
The System.Media properties namespace.
| |
SystemMessage |
The System.Message properties namespace.
| |
SystemMusic |
The System.Music properties namespace.
| |
SystemNote |
The System.Note properties namespace.
| |
SystemOfflineFiles |
The System.OfflineFiles properties namespace.
| |
SystemPhoto |
The System.Photo properties namespace.
| |
SystemPrinter |
The System.Printer properties namespace.
| |
SystemPrintStatus |
The System.PrintStatus properties namespace.
| |
The System.PROFILE properties namespace.
| |
SystemPropGroup |
The System.PropGroup properties namespace.
| |
SystemPropList |
The System.PropList properties namespace.
| |
SystemProtocol |
The System.Protocol properties namespace.
| |
SystemRecordedTV |
The System.RecordedTV properties namespace.
| |
SystemRecycle |
The System.Recycle properties namespace.
| |
SystemSAM |
The System.SAM properties namespace.
| |
SystemScanStatus |
The System.ScanStatus properties namespace.
| |
SystemSearch |
The System.Search properties namespace.
| |
SystemSecondaryTile |
The System.SecondaryTile properties namespace.
| |
SystemSecurity |
The System.Security properties namespace.
| |
SystemSetting |
The System.Setting properties namespace.
| |
SystemShareTarget |
The System.ShareTarget properties namespace.
| |
SystemShell |
The System.Shell properties namespace.
| |
SystemSoftware |
The System.Software properties namespace.
| |
SystemSoftwareNullPreview |
The System.Software.NullPreview properties namespace.
| |
SystemStartMenu |
The System.StartMenu properties namespace.
| |
SystemStorage |
The System.Storage properties namespace.
| |
SystemStructuredQuery |
The System.StructuredQuery properties namespace.
| |
SystemStructuredQueryCustomProperty |
The System.StructuredQuery.CustomProperty properties namespace.
| |
SystemStructuredQueryVirtual |
The System.StructuredQuery.Virtual properties namespace.
| |
SystemSupplemental |
The System.Supplemental properties namespace.
| |
SystemSync |
The System.Sync properties namespace.
| |
SystemTask |
The System.Task properties namespace.
| |
SystemTaskbar |
The System.Taskbar properties namespace.
| |
SystemTile |
The System.Tile properties namespace.
| |
SystemVideo |
The System.Video properties namespace.
| |
SystemVolume |
The System.Volume properties namespace.
| |
SystemWinx |
The System.Winx properties namespace.
| |
SystemWireless |
The System.Wireless properties namespace.
| |
SystemZipFolder |
The System.ZipFolder properties namespace.
Structure | Description | |
PropertyKey |
Specifies the format + id (FMTID/PID) structure that programmatically identifies a property.
Wraps Windows Property System's PROPERTYKEY structure.
Interface | Description | |
IPropVariantConvertible |
Convert the object into another object that can be understood by the PropVariant class.
Enumeration | Description | |
Provides a set of flags to be used in property descriptions.
Wraps Windows' CONDITION_OPERATION enumeration..
| |
Indicates flags that modify the property store object retrieved by methods that create a property store.
Wraps Windows' GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS enumeration..
| |
Describes how property values are displayed when multiple items are selected. For a particular property, PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE describes how the property should be displayed when multiple items that have a value for the property are selected, such as whether the values should be summed, or averaged, or just displayed with the default "Multiple Values" string.
Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE enumeration..
| |
Indicates whether or how a property can be indexed.
Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE enumeration..
| |
Describes the condition type to use when displaying the property in the query builder UI in Windows Vista, but not in Windows 7 and later.
Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_CONDITION_TYPE enumeration..
| |
Indicates the display type.
| |
Describes the filtered list of property descriptions that is returned.
Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER enumeration..
| |
Used by property description functions to indicate the format of a property string.
Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS enumeration..
| |
Defines the grouping method to be used when a view is grouped by a property, and retrieves the grouping type.
| |
Describes the relative description type for a property description, as determined by the relativeDescriptionType attribute of the displayInfo element.
| |
Determines whether and how a property is indexed by Windows Search.
Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS enumeration..
| |
Defines the current sort description flags for the property, which indicate the particular wordings of sort offerings.
| |
Describes attributes of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file.
Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS enumeration..
| |
These flags describe properties in property description list strings.
Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_VIEW_FLAGS enumeration..
| |
Defines an enumeration type from an enumeration information structure.
| |
PropertyType |
Defines Windows PROPVARIANT structure type tag.