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Used by property description functions to indicate the format of a property string. Wraps Windows' PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS enumeration..

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.WindowsPropertySystem
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
  Member nameValueDescription
PDFF_DEFAULT0 Use the format settings specified in the property's .propdesc file.
PDFF_PREFIXNAME1 Precede the value with the property's display name. If the hideLabelPrefix attribute of the labelInfo element in the property's .propinfo file is set to true, then this flag is ignored.
PDFF_FILENAME2 Treat the string as a file name.
PDFF_ALWAYSKB4 Byte sizes are always displayed in KB, regardless of size. This enables clean alignment of the values in the column. This flag applies only to properties that have been declared as type Integer in the displayType attribute of the displayInfo element in the property's .propinfo file. This flag overrides the numberFormat setting.
PDFF_SHORTTIME16 Display time as "hh:mm am/pm".
PDFF_LONGTIME32 Display time as "hh:mm:ss am/pm".
PDFF_HIDETIME64 Hide the time portion of datetime.
PDFF_SHORTDATE128 Display date as "MM/DD/YY". For example, "03/21/04".
PDFF_LONGDATE256 Display date as "DayOfWeek, Month day, year". For example, "Monday, March 21, 2009".
PDFF_HIDEDATE512 Hide the date portion of datetime.
PDFF_RELATIVEDATE1024 Use friendly date descriptions. For example, "Yesterday".
PDFF_USEEDITINVITATION2048 Return the invitation text if formatting failed or the value was empty. Invitation text is text displayed in a text box as a cue for the user, such as "Enter your name". Formatting can fail if the data entered is not of an expected type, such as when alpha characters have been entered in a phone-number field.
PDFF_READONLY4096 If this flag is used, the PDFF_USEEDITINVITATION flag must also be specified. When the formatting flags are PDFF_READONLY | PDFF_USEEDITINVITATION and the algorithm would have shown invitation text, a string is returned that indicates the value is "Unknown" instead of returning the invitation text.
PDFF_NOAUTOREADINGORDER8192 Do not detect reading order automatically. Useful when converting to ANSI to omit the Unicode reading order characters. However, reading order characters for some values are still returned.
See Also