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ISyncStateProvider Interface

Defines a state provider for the multi-point synchronizer. If a concurrency error occurs, the implementation must throw a System.Data.ConstraintException.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Synchronization
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
public interface ISyncStateProvider

The ISyncStateProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddEndPoint
Adds an endpoint to the state. This can be used by the state provider to prepare needed internal structure.
Public methodBackup
Backups the state. The implementation is specific to the state provider. The exact set of required properties depends on the implementation.
Public methodBeginTransaction
Begins a named transaction.
Public methodCommitTransaction
Commits a named transaction.
Public methodDeleteChanges
Deletes the changes and the associated job changes. Both parameters can be unset.
Public methodDeleteDownloads
Deletes a download or all downloads if no parameter is set.
Public methodDeleteEntries
Deletes children and grand children entries, for a given endpoint synchronizer.
Public methodDeleteJobChanges
Deletes a job changes. Both parameters can be unset.
Public methodDeleteJobs
Deletes a job and its associated job changes, or delete all jobs if no parameter is set.
Public methodEnumerateChanges
Enumerates all New changes.
Public methodEnumerateDownloads
Enumerates downloads. Both parameters can be unset.
Public methodEnumerateEntries
Enumerates children entries for a parent identifier, for a given endpoint synchronizer.
Public methodEnumerateJobChanges
Enumerates a job changes, or all job changes.
Public methodEnumerateJobs
Enumerates all jobs.
Public methodExecuteCommand
Executes a given command on the state provider. The implementation is specific to the state provider. The exact set of required properties depends on the implementation.
Public methodGetChange
Gets a change using its identifier.
Public methodGetEntry
Gets an entry using its identifier.
Public methodGetEntryByFilePath
Gets a entry using a file path.
Public methodGetEntryFilePath
Gets an entry file path relative to the file system root path, for a given endpoint synchronizer.
Public methodRemoveEndPoint
Removes an endpoint from the state. This can be used to delete some state from the state provider.
Public methodReset
Resets the state. The implementation is specific to the state provider.
Public methodRollbackTransaction
Rollbacks a named transaction.
Public methodSaveChange
Saves a change.
Public methodSaveDownload
Saves a download.
Public methodSaveEntry
Saves an entry, for a given endpoint synchronizer.
Public methodSaveJob
Saves a job.
Public methodSaveJobChange
Saves a job change.
See Also