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callback.ShellBoost.Core.Synchronization Namespace

Contains classes for ShellBoost synchronization and on-demand files support.
Public classContentMover
A class that is responsible from moving content between file systems.
Public classEndPointSynchronizer
Defines an endpoint synchronizer that handles a specific file system instance.
Protected classEndPointSynchronizerStateDiff
Defines a differential state between a file system and the synchronizer state.
Public classEndPointSynchronizerOptions
Defines options for an endpoint synchronizer.
Public classIdleTaskOptions
Defines options for idle tasks.
Public classLocalFileSystem
An implementation of ISyncFileSystem for Windows 10 physical directories. NTFS on Windows 10, version 1709 or higher is needed..
Public classLocalFileSystemEntryIncludeEventArgs
Provides data for the Includes event of the LocalFileSystem class.
Public classLocalFileSystemEventFilter
Defines an event filter.
Public classLocalFileSystemEventFilterDef
Defines an event filter set.
Public classLocalFileSystemOptions
Defines options for the LocalFileSystem type.
Public classMultiPointSynchronizer
Defines a multi-point synchronizer.
Protected classMultiPointSynchronizerSyncEventsSink
Defines an event sink implementation.
Public classMultiPointSynchronizerOptions
Defines options for the MultiPointSynchronizer type.
Public classOnDemandCallbackContext
Defines a NTFS callback context.
Public classOnDemandLocalFileSystem
An on-demand implementation of ISyncFileSystem for Windows 10 physical directories. NTFS on Windows 10, version 1709 or higher is needed..
Public classOnDemandLocalFileSystemOptions
Defines options for the OnDemandLocalFileSystem type.
Public classOnDemandLocalFileSystemRegistration
Represents static information that is used to register an on-demand file system synchronizer with Windows.
Public classStateEntry
Defines a state entry.
Public classStateEvent
Defines an event associated with entries and a timestamp.
Public classStateSyncChange
Defines a persistable change state.
Public classStateSyncChangeGroup
Represents a group of StateSyncChange instances used when creating jobs.
Public classStateSyncDownload
Defines a persitable download state.
Public classStateSyncEntry
Defines a persistable entry.
Public classStateSyncJob
Defines a persistable job.
Public classStateSyncJobChange
Defines a persistable change to apply in the context of a job.
Public classSyncContext
Defines a runtime context class.
Public classSyncDeleteEntryOptions
Defines options for the DeleteEntry method.
Public classSyncEntrySource
Defines an entry source.
Public classSyncEnumerateEntriesOptions
Defines options for the EnumerateEntries method.
Public classSyncFileSystemEvent
Defines a file system event.
Public classSyncFileSystemEventArgs
Provides data for the Event event of a file system.
Public classSyncGetEntryContentOptions
Defines options for the GetEntryContentAsync method.
Public classSyncGetEntryOptions
Defines options for the GetEntry method.
Public classSynchronizationException
The exception that is thrown when there is a SynchronizationException error.
Public classSyncJob
Defines a job.
Public classSyncJobChange
Defines a job change.
Public classSyncJobChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the JobChanged event of a multi point synchronizer.
Public classSyncSetEntryContentOptions
Defines options for set SetEntryContentAsync method.
Public classSyncStateProviderEventArgs
Provides data for the Event event of a state provider.
Public classSyncUpdateEntryOptions
Defines options for the UpdateEntry method.
Public interfaceIDirectContentAccess
Implemented by a file system that support direct access to content (files).
Public interfaceIFileNameEscapeHandler
Defines a file name escape handler.
Public interfaceIProgressSink
Defines a sink for reporting progress on operations such as download or upload.
Public interfaceISyncEntryComparer
Defines an entry comparer.
Public interfaceISyncEventsSink
Defines an event sink. This interface is implemented by the multi-point synchronizer.
Public interfaceISyncFileSystem
Defines a file system that can participate in multi-point synchronization.
Public interfaceISyncFileSystemDestination
Defines a file system that can customize destination operations.
Public interfaceISyncFileSystemEvents
Defines a file system that can raise events.
Public interfaceISyncFileSystemRead
Defines a file system that can be read.
Public interfaceISyncFileSystemSynchronizationEventsSink
Defines a file system that can be notified of changes.
Public interfaceISyncFileSystemSynchronizationState
Defines a file system that can determine synchronization state.
Public interfaceISyncFileSystemWrite
Defines a file system that can be written.
Public interfaceISyncFileSystemWriteAsync
Defines a file system that can be written with async interface.
Public interfaceISyncStateProvider
Defines a state provider for the multi-point synchronizer. If a concurrency error occurs, the implementation must throw a System.Data.ConstraintException.
Public interfaceISyncStateProvider2
Defines a state provider for the multi-point synchronizer.
Public interfaceISyncStateProviderEvents
Defines events raised from a state provider for the multi-point synchronizer.
Public enumerationApplyChangeStatus
Defines the return status of a change instance application.
Public enumerationChangeStatus
Defines the status of a change instance.
Public enumerationDownloadStatus
Defines the status of a download instance.
Public enumerationEnumerationLevel
Defines an enumeration level.
Public enumerationOnDemandAcknowledgeDataFlags
Flags set by the AcknowledgeData method.
Public enumerationOnDemandCancelFlags
Flags set by the CancelHydrateData or CancelPopulatePlaceholders method.
Public enumerationOnDemandCloseCompletionFlags
Flags set by the NotifyFileCloseCompletion method.
Public enumerationOnDemandDataValidationFlags
Flags set by the ValidateData method.
Public enumerationOnDemandDehydrateCompletionFlags
Flags set by the NotifyDehydrateOnDemandEntryCompletion method.
Public enumerationOnDemandDehydrateFlags
Flags set by the NotifyDehydrateOnDemandEntry method.
Public enumerationOnDemandDehydrationReason
Specifies the dehydration reason.
Public enumerationOnDemandDeleteCompletionFlags
Flags set by the NotifyDeleteCompletion method.
Public enumerationOnDemandDeleteFlags
Flags set by the NotifyDeleteOnDemandEntry method.
Public enumerationOnDemandFetchDataFlags
Flags set by the HydrateDataAsync method.
Public enumerationOnDemandHardLinkPolicy
Specifies whether hard links are permitted on a placeholder file or folder. By default, hard links are not allowed on a placeholder.
Public enumerationOnDemandHydrationPolicy
Allows a sync provider to control behavior for retrieving data for a placeholder file.
Public enumerationOnDemandHydrationPolicyModifier
Allows a sync provider to control behavior for retrieving data for a placeholder file.
Public enumerationOnDemandInSyncPolicy
Contains the file and directory attributes supported by the sync root to determine in-sync state.
Public enumerationOnDemandLocalFileSystemStatus
Defines status flags for the local file system engine.
Public enumerationOnDemandOpenCompletionFlags
Flags set by the NotifyFileOpenCompletion method.
Public enumerationOnDemandPopulationPolicy
Allows a sync provider to control how a placeholder file or directory.
Public enumerationOnDemandProtectionMode
Specifies the type of data contained in the sync root.
Public enumerationOnDemandRenameCompletionFlags
Flags set by the NotifyRenameOnDemandEntryCompletion method.
Public enumerationOnDemandRenameFlags
Flags set by the NotifyRenameOnDemandEntry method.
Public enumerationSyncEntryAttributes
Defines attributes for a synchronizable entry.
Public enumerationSyncFileSystemCapability
Defines a list of optional capabilities for a file system.
Public enumerationSyncFileSystemEventType
Defines the type of file system event.
Public enumerationSyncJobChangedEventType
Defines the type of event for the JobChanged events.
Public enumerationSyncJobChangeStatus
Defines the status of a SyncJobChange instance.
Public enumerationSyncJobMovingState
Defines the status of a job with regards to its content changes.
Public enumerationSyncStateProviderEventType
Defines the type of event of a state provider.