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SingleThreadTaskScheduler Properties

The SingleThreadTaskScheduler type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDequeueOnDispose
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to dequeue the remaining tasks when this instance is disposed. Dequeuing will happen on the thread callind Dispose(), not on the scheduler's thread.
Public propertyDequeueTimeout
Gets or sets a value that defines the time to wait between dequeues.
Public propertyDisposeThreadJoinTimeout
Gets or sets a value that defines the maximum time to wait for the thread to finish when this instance is disposed.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique ID for this TaskScheduler.
(Inherited from TaskScheduler.)
Public propertyLastDequeue
Gets a value that indicates the last dequeue time.
Public propertyMaximumConcurrencyLevel
Indicates the maximum concurrency level this TaskScheduler is able to support.
(Inherited from TaskScheduler.)
Public propertyQueueCount
Gets the number of currently queued tasks.
Public propertyWaitTimeout
Gets or sets a value that defines the maximum time to periodically wait for stop and dequeue events to happen.
See Also