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LocalFileSystem Methods

The LocalFileSystem type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddSelfEventFilter(LocalFileSystemEventFilter)
Adds an event filter.
Protected methodAddSelfEventFilter(WatcherChangeTypes, String)
Adds an event filter on a path using default filter maximum duration.
Public methodApplyContentChange
Applies a content change.
Public methodClearTemporaryFiles
Clears all temporary files possibly used by this instance for a content change.
Protected methodCopyTo
Copies a file system entry to a state entry.
Protected methodCreateEntry
Creates the entry.
Public methodDeleteEntry
Deletes an entry.
Protected methodDeleteFileSystemEntry
Deletes a file system entry.
Protected methodDirectoryCreate
Creates the specified directory.
Protected methodDirectoryDelete
Deletes the specified directory and, if indicated, any subdirectories and files in the directory.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Protected methodEntryFromId
Get a FileSystemEntry from a state identifier.
Protected methodEntryRename
Renames an entry using its 128-bit identifier. It can also be used to move a file if the newName parameter is set to a full file path. Note this method cannot move from a volume to another.
Public methodEnumerateEntries
Enumerates the child entries of an entry.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFileCreate
Creates the specified file.
Protected methodFileDelete
Deletes the specified file using its 128-bit identifier.
Protected methodFileOverwrite
Overwrites a file.
Protected methodFinalize
Frees all resources associated with this instance.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodGetEntryContentAsync
Gets the entry content.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileAttributes
Gets the file attributes from a sync entry.
Protected methodGetFullPath
Gets the full path for a given file system entry. Can be the entry FullName or the result of the GetFinalPath() method.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetId(FileSystemEntry)
Gets the identifier from a file system entry.
Protected methodGetId(String, Guid)
Gets the identifier.
Public methodGetOrCreateEntry
Gets or create the entry.
Public methodGetRelativePathFromFullPath
Gets a path relative to the root path, from a full path.
Public methodGetSourceDownloadFileName
Gets a file name for the downloaded file corresponding to a change. The file may not exist yet.
Public methodGetSourceDownloadLocalPath
Gets a local file path for the downloaded file corresponding to a change. The file may not exist yet.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasCapability
Determines whether the specified capability is supported.
Protected methodIncludeEntry
Determines if an entry should be included in enumeration.
Protected methodIsAlwaysSynchronized
Determines whether this instance's entries are always synchronized.
Protected methodIsFiltered
Determines whether the specified event must be filtered.
Protected methodIsFilteredByAttributes
Determines whether the specified event must be filtered because it only represents an unused attribute change.
Public methodIsSynchronized
Determines whether the specified local relative path is synchronized. This uses the state database and other endpoints information, not On-Demand file in-sync attributes.
Protected methodLog
Logs the value at the specified trace level.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodNewSyncEntry
Creates a new entry.
Protected methodNewWatcher
Creates a new LocalFileSystemWatcher.
Protected methodNotifyShell
Notifies the shell of an event.
Protected methodOnEvent
Raises the SyncFileSystemEventArgs event.
Protected methodOnIncluding
Protected methodOnJobChanged
Occurs when a job changed.
Protected methodOnPreviewWatcherEvent
Handles a file system event before the OnWatcherEvent method.
Protected methodOnWatcherBufferTooSmall
Handles the watcher's BufferTooSmall event.
Protected methodOnWatcherError
Handles the watcher's Error event.
Protected methodOnWatcherEvent
Handles a file system event.
Protected methodParseId
Parses an identifier as a string.
Protected methodRemoveSelfEventFilter
Removes an event filter.
Protected methodSendEvent
Sends and event as a file system implementer.
Protected methodSetBasicInformation
Sets an entry basic information. This implementation always returns true.
Public methodSetEntryContentAsync
Sets the entry content.
Public methodStatic memberSetFileAttributes
Sets the file attributes to a sync entry.
Protected methodSetSize
Sets an entry size. This implementation always returns true.
Public methodStartEventMonitoring
Starts the events monitoring.
Public methodStopEventMonitoring
Stops the events monitoring.
Protected methodToAttributes(FileAttributes)
Converts to attributes.
Protected methodToAttributes(SyncEntryAttributes)
Converts to attributes.
Protected methodToEntry
Converts an event to an entry.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodUpdateEntry
Updates an entry.
Protected methodUpdateFileSystemEntry
Called after an entry has been updated. This implementation does nothing
Protected methodWithSelfEventFilter(LocalFileSystemEventFilter, Action)
Runs an action with an event filter applied.
Protected methodWithSelfEventFilterT(LocalFileSystemEventFilter, FuncT)
Runs a function with an event filter applied.
See Also