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ISyncFileSystemReadEnumerateEntries Method

Enumerates the child entries of a parent entry. If the file system implementation does not support the AllChildrenEnumeration capability, the synchronizer will always use a null options, or an options with the Level property set to Children. If the file system implementation supports the AllChildrenEnumeration capability, the synchronizer will always use a non-root Parent Id with a null options, or a root Parent Id with an options with Level property set to AllChildren.

Namespace:  callback.ShellBoost.Core.Synchronization
Assembly:  callback.CBFSShell (in callback.CBFSShell.dll) Version:
IEnumerable<StateSyncEntry> EnumerateEntries(
	SyncContext context,
	StateSyncEntry parentEntry,
	SyncEnumerateEntriesOptions options = null


Type: callback.ShellBoost.Core.SynchronizationSyncContext
A sync context.
Type: callback.ShellBoost.Core.SynchronizationStateSyncEntry
The parent entry.
options (Optional)
Type: callback.ShellBoost.Core.SynchronizationSyncEnumerateEntriesOptions
The options.

Return Value

Type: IEnumerableStateSyncEntry
A list of child entries.
See Also