CBFS Storage 2020 Android Edition

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FindFirst Method

Searches for the first vault item that matches the specified name and attributes.


public long findFirst(String fileMask, int attributes, int flags);


This method initiates a search operation based on the specified FileMask, Attributes, and Flags. If there are any matching vault items (files, directories, symbolic links, or alternate streams), then a search operation handle pointing to the first result is returned. If there are no matching vault items, then -1 is returned.

To obtain information about a search result, pass the returned search handle to the following methods:

To retrieve the next search result, pass the returned search handle to the FindNext method. When an application is finished with (or wants to abandon) a search operation, it must pass the associated search handle to the FindClose method in order to release the resources associated with it.

Since each search operation is identified by the search handle associated with it, applications may initiate additional search operations at any time, and may process each operation's search results in any manner it desires (sequentially, round-robin, etc.).

The FileMask parameter specifies both the directory path to search within and the filename mask to match against; e.g., \directory\to\search\*.txt. (Or, when searching a file's alternate streams, the file path and stream name mask; e.g., \path\to\file:*.) Only the mask may contain wildcards, the path must be specified in vault-local absolute format. Also note that files without an extension will match *, but not *.*.

The Attributes parameter specifies the attributes to match against; items will only match if they have one or more of the specified attributes. The value passed for this parameter should be constructed by OR'ing together zero or more of the values shown below. Passing 0 will allow any file in a directory (or, any alternate stream in a file) to match; it's equivalent to CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_FILE | CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_DATA_STREAM.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_FILE0x00000001The entry is a file.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_DIRECTORY0x00000002The entry is a directory.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_DATA_STREAM0x00000004The entry is an alternate data stream.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_COMPRESSED0x00000008The file or stream is compressed.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_ENCRYPTED0x00000010The file or stream is encrypted.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_SYMLINK0x00000020The entry is a symbolic link.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_READONLY0x00000040The file is read-only.

This attribute is not used by CBFS Storage, but it can be set and retrieved.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_ARCHIVE0x00000080The file requires archiving.

This attribute is not used by CBFS Storage, but it can be set and retrieved.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_HIDDEN0x00000100The file is hidden.

This attribute is not used by CBFS Storage, but it can be set and retrieved.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_SYSTEM0x00000200The file is a system file.

This attribute is not used by CBFS Storage, but it can be set and retrieved.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_TEMPORARY0x00000400The file is temporary.

This attribute is not used by CBFS Storage, but it can be set and retrieved.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_DELETE_ON_CLOSE0x00000800The file should be deleted when the last handle to the file is closed.

This attribute is currently not supported by CBFS Storage.





CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_NO_USER_CHANGE0x0000F03FA mask which includes all attributes that cannot be changed.

Applications cannot use the SetFileAttributes method to directly change any of the following attributes: FILE, DIRECTORY, DATA_STREAM, COMPRESSED, ENCRYPTED, SYMLINK, RESERVED_0, RESERVED_1, RESERVED_2, RESERVED_3.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_USER_DEFINED0x7FF00000A mask for application-defined attributes.

Applications can use the SetFileAttributes method to set custom attributes, so long as their values are covered by this mask.

CBFSSTORAGE_FATTR_ANY_FILE0x7FFFFFFFA mask which includes any and all attributes.

The Flags parameter controls search behavior. Among other things, it can be used to request that only specific pieces of information be returned, which can greatly improve performance. The value passed for this parameter should be constructed by OR'ing together zero or more of the following values:

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_NEED_NAME0x00000001Include entry names (without paths) when returning search results.

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_NEED_FULL_NAME0x00000002Include fully-qualified entry names when returning search results.

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_NEED_ATTRIBUTES0x00000004Include entry attributes when returning search results.

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_NEED_SIZE0x00000008Include entry sizes when returning search results.

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_NEED_METADATA_SIZE0x00000010Include entry metadata sizes when returning search results.

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_NEED_TIMES0x00000020Include entry times when returning search results.

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_NEED_LINK_DEST0x00000040Include symbolic link destinations when returning search results.

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_EMULATE_FAT0x00001000Inserts . and .. pseudo-entries into search results for all directories except the root one.

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_RECURSIVE0x00002000Search recursively in all subdirectories.

CBFSSTORAGE_FF_CASE_INSENSITIVE0x00004000Forces case-insensitive search, even if the vault is case-sensitive.

If Flags is 0, the component uses 0x0000006F (i.e., all CBFSSTORAGE_FF_NEED_* flags except CBFSSTORAGE_FF_NEED_METADATA).

Note: This method can only be called when Active is true, and cannot be called within events.

Copyright (c) 2022 Callback Technologies, Inc. - All rights reserved.
CBFS Storage 2020 Android Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8237]