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ContentMover Methods

The ContentMover type exposes the following members.

Public methodCancelOperations
Cancel current operations.
Protected methodClearTemporaryFiles
Clears all temporary files possibly used by this instance for a content change.
Protected methodCreateDestinationEntry
Creates a destination state entry.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Protected methodDownloadSource
Downloads a file corresponding to a content change.
Protected methodFinalize
Frees all resources associated with this instance.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Protected methodGetDestinationEntryAsync
Gets an entry, usually temporary, on the destination file system, corresponding to a change.
Protected methodGetDestinationUploadFileName
Gets a file name for the uploaded file corresponding to a job change.
Protected methodGetJobState
Gets a job state with regards to its content changes.
Protected methodGetSourceDownloadFileName
Gets a file name for the downloaded file corresponding to a change.
Public methodGetSourceDownloadLocalPath
Gets a local file path for the downloaded file corresponding to a change. The file may not exist yet.
Public methodIsDownloaded
Determines if the content associated with a change has being downloaded;
Public methodIsDownloading
Determines if the content associated with a change is being downloaded;
Public methodIsTemporaryFile
Determines whether the specified file name is a temporary file name.
Protected methodLog(TraceLevel, EndPointSynchronizer, Object, String)
Logs the value at the specified trace level.
Protected methodLog(TraceLevel, String, Object, String)
Logs the value at the specified trace level.
Protected methodUploadDestination
Uploads a file corresponding to a content change.
See Also