Attributes that can be retrieved on a Shell item (file or folder) or set of Shell items.
Maps to Windows'
SFGAO enumeration..
ShellBoost.Core (in ShellBoost.Core.dll) Version:
public enum SFGAO
| Member name | Value | Description |
| SFGAO_NONE | 0 |
No attribute is defined.
The specified items can be copied.
The specified items can be moved.
Shortcuts can be created for the specified items. This attribute has the same value as DROPEFFECT_LINK.
If a namespace extension returns this attribute, a Create Shortcut entry with a default handler is added to the shortcut menu that is displayed during drag-and-drop operations. The extension can also implement its own handler for the link verb in place of the default. If the extension does so, it is responsible for creating the shortcut.
A Create Shortcut item is also added to the Windows Explorer File menu and to normal shortcut menus.
The specified items can be bound to an IStorage object through IShellFolder::BindToObject.
The specified items can be renamed. Note that this value is essentially a suggestion; not all namespace clients allow items to be renamed. However, those that do must have this attribute set.
The specified items can be deleted.
The specified items have property sheets.
The specified items are drop targets.
The specified items are not fully present and recalled on open or access
| SFGAO_SYSTEM | 4096 | Windows 7 and later. The specified items are system items.
The specified items are encrypted and might require special presentation.
| SFGAO_ISSLOW | 16384 |
Accessing the item (through IStream or other storage interfaces) is expected to be a slow operation. Applications should avoid accessing items flagged with SFGAO_ISSLOW.
| SFGAO_GHOSTED | 32768 |
The specified items are shown as dimmed and unavailable to the user.
| SFGAO_LINK | 65536 |
The specified items are shortcuts.
| SFGAO_SHARE | 131072 |
The specified objects are shared.
| SFGAO_READONLY | 262144 |
The specified items are read-only. In the case of folders, this means that new items cannot be created in those folders. This should not be confused with the behavior specified by the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY flag. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY has no meaning for Win32 file system folders.
| SFGAO_HIDDEN | 524288 |
The item is hidden and should not be displayed unless the Show hidden files and folders option is enabled in Folder Settings.
The specified folders are either file system folders or contain at least one descendant (child, grandchild, or later) that is a file system (SFGAO_FILESYSTEM) folder.
| SFGAO_FOLDER | 536870912 |
The specified items are folders. Some items can be flagged with both SFGAO_STREAM and SFGAO_FOLDER, such as a compressed file with a .zip file name extension. Some applications might include this flag when testing for items that are both files and containers.
| SFGAO_FILESYSTEM | 1073741824 |
The specified folders or files are part of the file system (that is, they are files, directories, or root directories). The parsed names of the items can be assumed to be valid Win32 file system paths. These paths can be either UNC or drive-letter based.
| SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER | -2147483648 |
The specified folders have subfolders. The SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER attribute is only advisory and might be returned by Shell folder implementations even if they do not contain subfolders. Note, however, that the converse—failing to return SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER—definitively states that the folder objects do not have subfolders.
Returning SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER is recommended whenever a significant amount of time is required to determine whether any subfolders exist. For example, the Shell always returns SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER when a folder is located on a network drive.
| SFGAO_VALIDATE | 16777216 |
When specified as input, SFGAO_VALIDATE instructs the folder to validate that the items contained in a folder or Shell item array exist.
| SFGAO_REMOVABLE | 33554432 |
The specified items are on removable media or are themselves removable devices.
| SFGAO_COMPRESSED | 67108864 |
The specified items are compressed.
| SFGAO_BROWSABLE | 134217728 |
The specified items can be hosted inside a web browser or Windows Explorer frame.
The items are nonenumerated items and should be hidden.
| SFGAO_NEWCONTENT | 2097152 |
The items contain new content, as defined by the particular application.
| SFGAO_STREAM | 4194304 |
Indicates that the item has a stream associated with it.
Children of this item are accessible through IStream or IStorage. Those children are flagged with SFGAO_STORAGE or SFGAO_STREAM.
See Also