
All constants are accessible through the callback.DAVSDK.Constants class.

Error Codes

Value: 0
Value: 2
File or directory not found.
Value: 3
Path or parent not found.
Value: 4
Property not found.
Value: 5
Access Denied. Used to signal insufficient permissions for item access.
Value: 6
Invalid item handle. Used to signal an invalid value in various *Context and *Handle parameters. Can be returned by both the component's methods and application event handlers.
Value: 29
The operation of writing the data to the backend storage has failed or has been denied by the storage.
Value: 30
The operation of reading the data from the backend storage has failed or has been denied by the storage.
Value: 31
General failure. The reason for the failure could not be determined.
Value: 33
Lock violation. When reported by an event handler, should be used when the file is locked and the operation is not possible due to this lock.
Value: 86
A password is missing or incorrect. Returned by the component in the REST API when an access is attempted to a share that is password-protected, but a password is either missing or incorrect.
Value: 87
Invalid parameter. When returned by the component's method, indicates an unacceptable value of one of the parameters (please refer to the exception message for additional details). When reported by an event handler, should be used only to signal logical errors in the code (e.g. a negative position passed by the component during file reading/writing) and not to communicate something that an event handler cannot handle temporarily or permanently, e.g. due to the backend's limits or some external state.
Value: 120
The requested operation is either not implemented by an application or has been disabled using the properties and settings.
Value: 145
The directory being deleted contains files or subdirectories, and recursive deletion was not requested.
Value: 167
A Lock or Unlock operation failed.
Value: 183
An item already exists. When reported by an event handler, should be used to indicate that the operation such as creation, moving, or copying of the item cannot be accomplished because at the destination, there already exists an item with the given name or Id.
Value: 348
An item cannot be moved, deleted, or written to because it is read-only.
Value: 995
An operation has been aborted on the transport level (e.g. due to the premature closing of a socket by the client).
Value: 1127
A catch-all error code that can be used to tell the component that a backend filesystem operation has failed.
Value: 1253
A user with the given username could not be found.
Value: 1296
An upload or download operation was blocked by the application, likely due to invalid content.
Value: 3060
The HTTP request contained conditions (such as modification period, range of data in a file, or etag) that could not be satisfied.

Desired Operation Values

Value: 0x00000001
The file or directory is being deleted.
Value: 0x00000002
The file or directory is being renamed. Renaming doesn't involve opening of a file for reading and is performed within the same directory.
Value: 0x00000004
The file or directory is being moved. The event is fired for a source file or directory. A separate event is also fired for a destination directory with the ACCESS_TYPE_WRITE flag.
Value: 0x00000008
The file is being opened for reading or for reading and writing.
Value: 0x00000010
The file is being opened for writing or for reading and writing. For directories, this value means that a new file is about to be created in the directory or be moved into the directory.
Value: 0x00000020
The directory is being enumerated.
Value: 0x00000040
Information about the file or directory is requested.
Value: 0x00000080
An explicit operation of changing file times and attributes is performed.
Value: 0x00002000
A human-readable path or a file's parent are being requested. Use this check to provide access to a specific file or directory and prevent its parent directories from becoming known to a user.
Value: 0x00008000
A request is made to get a filename.

Sort Order

Value: 0x00000000
No required sort order. A handler is free to use any ordering, given that the sorting algorithm remains unchanged between calls.
Value: 0x00000002
Sort by human-readable name and item attributes. Directories should come in the list before files, and both files and directories should be sorted according their human-readable names, lexicographically. In recursive enumerations, an entity that resides in the subdirectory must come later than the subdirectory but before files that reside in the parent of that subdirectory.

The following example helps demonstrate this idea. \Dir \Dir\Z.txt \A_File.bin

Value: 0x00000003
Sort by human-readable name, lexicographically. Use common string comparison to match item names.
Value: 0x00000004
Sort by item size, then by human-readable name.
Value: 0x00000005
Sort by item modification time, then by human-readable name.
Value: 0x00000006
Sort by item creation time, then by human-readable name.

Item Attributes

Value: 0x00000001
The item is a file.
Value: 0x00000002
The item is a directory.
Value: 0x00000040
The file is read-only. DAVServer does not block operations based on this attribute, but it does communicate the status of items and directories to clients based on this attribute.
Value: 0x7FFFFFFF
A mask which includes any and all attributes.

File Access Modes

Value: 0x00000001
Access for reading.
Value: 0x00000002
Access for writing.
Value: 0x00000003
Access for reading and writing.

File Open Modes

Value: 0x00000000
Create a new file, fail if a file exists. The file should be opened for writing when this flag is used, but the AccessMode parameter may also specify the need for read access.
Value: 0x00000001
If a file exists, truncate it, otherwise create a new file. The file should be opened for writing when this flag is used, but the AccessMode parameter may also specify the need for read access.
Value: 0x00000002
If a file exists, open it, otherwise return an error. Use the AccessMode parameter to determine whether the file is to be opened for reading, writing, or both.
Value: 0x00000003
If a file exists, open it, otherwise create a new file. Use the AccessMode parameter to determine whether the file is to be opened for reading, writing, or both.

Requested Information Flags

Value: 0x00000000
Item existence is checked. This pseudo-flag with the numeric value 0 is used when the GetFileInfo event is used to check whether the given item exists. When the RequestedInfo parameter is 0, no file or directory information needs to be returned, and just an error should be reported if the item does not exist.
Value: 0x00000001
Item name is requested.
Value: 0x00000002
The parent of the item is requested.
Value: 0x00000008
File size is requested. If an item is a directory, set the corresponding parameter to 0.
Value: 0x00000010
Attributes are requested. If the component needs to find out whether the item is a file or a directory, this flag will be the only one set. During other requests, it may come in a combination with other flags.
Value: 0x00000020
Times are requested.
Value: 0x00000040
The owner of the file is requested.

Conflict Resolution values

Value: 0x00000000
An existing file may not be overwritten.
Value: 0x00000001
An existing file should be overwritten.
Value: 0x00000002
A file should be written with a different name. If an item Id includes a file name and a file exists, then the name in the Id should be updated accordingly to reflect the name with which the item was created or stored.