Deployment Instructions

CBFS Shell is supported on Windows 7 and later on x86, x64, and ARM64 processors.

CBFS Shell includes two user-mode libraries (DLLs) with the struct logic and a native proxy library (DLL) that is loaded into the Windows Shell processes; both must be distributed to deployment machines.

The user-mode library comes as DLLs (dynamic libraries), named gocbfsshell24.dll. The libraries are available for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) processor architectures.

In addition to the main dynamic library, this product requires a secondary DLL named callback.CBFSShell.dll to be deployed. It is present in the same directory where the main dynamic library is, and must be deployed into one directory with the dynamic library.

When deploying the application, copy the dynamic library to the target system and place it next to the application's .exe file .

The Proxy library (DLL) is located in the proxy directory of the installation; the proxy library is compiled for specific processor architectures and is named as follows:

  • CBFSShell.<Id>.x86.dll
  • CBFSShell.<Id>.x64.dll
  • CBFSShell.<Id>.ARM64.dll
The <Id> portion of the proxy DLL name is a unique identifier tied to the license.


When distributing your CBFS Shell application, it is essential to prepare the target machine by calling the Install method. This should be invoked from installers rather than directly from the main application. For instance, it should be called from an install function or wizard.

The installation step enables your application to leverage the full functionality of ShellFolder or ShellMenu. Once this part is completed, remember to restart Windows File Explorer. This will rebuild the structures of the Windows Shell and allow users to find the namespace or menu.