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ShellDataObjectFormat Methods

The ShellDataObjectFormat type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBuildCF_HDROP
Builds CF_HDROP as an HGlobal handle.
Public methodStatic memberBuildCF_HDROPAsByteArray
Builds the CF_HDROP format as a byte array.
Public methodStatic memberBuildCFSTR_SHELLIDLIST
Builds the CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST format as an HGlobal handle.
Public methodStatic memberBuildCFSTR_SHELLIDLISTAsByteArray
Builds the CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST format as byte array.
Public methodStatic memberEnumerateFormats
Enumerates the formats from an IDataIObject.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetBytes(Object, Int32, NullableInt32, Boolean)
Gets bytes from an IDataObject.
Public methodStatic memberGetBytes(Object, String, NullableInt32, Boolean)
Gets bytes from an IDataObject.
Public methodStatic memberGetCF_HDROP
Gets the CF_HDROP format from an IDataObject.
Public methodStatic memberGetCFSTR_FILECONTENTS
Public methodStatic memberGetCFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR
Gets the CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR format from an IDataObject.
Public methodStatic memberGetCFSTR_SHELLIDLIST(Object, Boolean)
Gets the CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST format from an IDataObject.
Public methodStatic memberGetCFSTR_SHELLIDLIST(Object, ShellItemIdList, Boolean)
Gets the CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST format from an IDataObject.
Public methodStatic memberGetClipboardFormatName
Retrieves from the clipboard the name of the specified registered format.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetNativeDataObject
Gets A native IDataObject from a .NET object.
Public methodStatic memberGetStream(Object, Int32, NullableInt32, Boolean, Boolean)
Gets a stream from an IDataObject.
Public methodStatic memberGetStream(Object, String, NullableInt32, Boolean, Boolean)
Gets a stream from an IDataObject.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberParseCF_HDROPFormatData
Parses the CF_HDROP format.
Public methodStatic memberParseCFSTR_DROPDESCRIPTIONFormatData
Public methodStatic memberParseCFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORFormatData
Public methodStatic memberParseCFSTR_SHELLIDLISTFormatData(Byte, Boolean)
Parses the CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST (CIDA) format.
Public methodStatic memberParseCFSTR_SHELLIDLISTFormatData(Byte, ShellItemIdList, Boolean)
Parses the CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST (CIDA) format.
Public methodStatic memberParseCFSTR_SHELLIDLISTOFFSETFormatData
Public methodStatic memberParseDataUsingKnownFormatsT
Try to parse a clipboard data using known formats.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterClipboardFormat
Registers a new clipboard format. This format can then be used as a valid clipboard format. If a registered format with the specified name already exists, a new format is not registered and the return value identifies the existing format.
Public methodStatic memberSetCF_HDROP
Sets the CF_HDROP format to an IDataObject.
Public methodStatic memberSetCFSTR_FILECONTENTS
Sets the CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR and CFSTR_FILECONTENTS formats to an IDataObject. This method may not work completely with data object classes that don't fully implement the native COM IDataObject interface, such as Winforms or WPF ones. If you want to add multiple contents, use the ShellBoost data object created using ShellDataObject.CreateDataObject().
Public methodStatic memberSetCFSTR_SHELLIDLIST
Sets the CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST format to an IDataObject.
Public methodStatic memberSetHGlobalFormat(Object, Int32, Byte, Int32, DVASPECT, Boolean)
Sets a format to an IDataObject using an array of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberSetHGlobalFormat(Object, Int32, IntPtr, Int32, DVASPECT, Boolean)
Sets a format to an IDataObject using a HGLOBAL object.
Public methodStatic memberSetHGlobalFormat(Object, String, Byte, Int32, DVASPECT, Boolean)
Sets a format to an IDataObject using an array of bytes.
Public methodStatic memberSetHGlobalFormat(Object, String, IntPtr, Int32, DVASPECT, Boolean)
Sets a format to an IDataObject using a HGLOBAL object.
Public methodStatic memberSetHGlobalFormat(Object, Int32, String, Encoding, Int32, DVASPECT, Boolean)
Sets a format to an IDataObject using a string.
Public methodStatic memberSetHGlobalFormat(Object, String, String, Encoding, Int32, DVASPECT, Boolean)
Sets a format to an IDataObject using a string.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodStatic memberTryParseDataUsingKnownFormats(String, Byte, Object)
Try to parse a clipboard data using known formats.
Public methodStatic memberTryParseDataUsingKnownFormats(String, Object, Object)
Try to parse a clipboard data using known formats.
Public methodStatic memberTryParseDataUsingKnownFormatsT(String, Object, T)
Try to parse a clipboard data using known formats.
See Also