Utimens Event

Fires when the OS needs to change access and modification times of a file.


// FUSEUtimensEventArgs carries the FUSE Utimens event's parameters.
type FUSEUtimensEventArgs struct {...}

func (args *FUSEUtimensEventArgs) Path() string
func (args *FUSEUtimensEventArgs) FileContext() int32
func (args *FUSEUtimensEventArgs) ATime() time.Time
func (args *FUSEUtimensEventArgs) MTime() time.Time
func (args *FUSEUtimensEventArgs) Result() int32
func (args *FUSEUtimensEventArgs) SetResult(value int32)

// FUSEUtimensEvent defines the signature of the FUSE Utimens event's handler function.
type FUSEUtimensEvent func(sender *FUSE, args *FUSEUtimensEventArgs)

func (obj *FUSE) GetOnUtimensHandler() FUSEUtimensEvent
func (obj *FUSE) SetOnUtimensHandler(handlerFunc FUSEUtimensEvent)


This event fires when the OS needs to change access and modification times of the file, identified by either Path or FileContext. The ATime and MTime parameters contain the access time and modification time respectively. All date/time parameters in the component are specified in UTC

To convert the values of the ATime and MTime parameters to Unix time, FileTimeToUnixTime method.

The ATimeNS and MTimeNS parameters contain the subsecond part of the ATime and MTime date/time value respectively, counted in nanoseconds.

The ResultCode parameter will always be 0 when the event is fired. If the event cannot be handled in a "successful" manner for some reason (e.g., a resource isn't available, security checks failed, etc.), set it to a negative error code value (e.g. -ENOENT to indicate that the file does not exist) to report an appropriate error. Please refer to the Error Reporting and Handling topic for more information.

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CBFS FUSE 2020 Go Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8348]