CBFS Filter 2020 Node.js Edition

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AfterDeleteValue Event

Fires after a registry value is deleted.


cbregistry.on('AfterDeleteValue', [callback])


The 'callback' is called when the 'AfterDeleteValue' event is emited.

function(e){ }

The argument 'e' has the following properties:



This event fires after a registry value is deleted.

Applications only need to handle this event if they've added a standard filter rule that includes the REG_CE_AFTER_DELETE_VALUE flag.

The KeyContext parameter is a placeholder for application-defined data associated with the registry key. Please refer to the Contexts topic for more information. Note that this event does not expose the registry key's name for performance reasons; applications that need it should store it in KeyContext during the BeforeCreateKey/BeforeOpenKey event so that it can be retrieved when this event fires. A similar strategy can be applied if the application needs the registry value's name, which can be stored in KeyContext during the corresponding Before* event.

The Status parameter contains a Win32 error code that indicates the outcome of the operation; 0 indicates success. This value is returned to the request originator if no other status is returned from this event. Applications may change this parameter's value if they want a different Win32 error code to be returned.

The Processed parameter indicates whether the response values have been modified. Applications must set this parameter to true if they alter any of the parameters related to the response values. Note that this parameter's value is ignored if an error is returned via ResultCode.

The StopFiltering parameter specifies whether the class's system driver should ignore all further operations for the registry key; it is false by default. Applications may set this parameter to true to prevent any further events from firing for the registry key.

The ResultCode parameter will always be 0 when the event is fired. If the event cannot be handled in a "successful" manner for some reason (e.g., a resource isn't available, security checks failed, etc.), set it to a non-zero value to report an appropriate error. Please refer to the Error Reporting and Handling topic for more information.

This event is fired synchronously; please refer to the Event Types topic for more information.

Copyright (c) 2022 Callback Technologies, Inc. - All rights reserved.
CBFS Filter 2020 Node.js Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8164]