AddIgnoredProcessById Method
Adds a process, by PID, to the list of ignored processes.
public void addIgnoredProcessById(int processId, boolean includeChildren);
This method adds the process with the specified ProcessId (PID) to the list of processes whose requests should be ignored (i.e., that the class should not fire events for).
The ProcessId parameter specifies the PID of the process whose requests should be ignored. The value passed for this parameter must be the PID of an existing process.
The IncludeChildren parameter specifies whether requests made by the specified process's children should also be ignored.
Note that the class's system driver ignores all processes' requests by default; applications should only use this method to explicitly exclude a process that would otherwise be filtered due to a process filtering rule added with AddFilteredProcessById or AddFilteredProcessByName.
Note: This method can only be called when Active is true.