CBDisk Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Configuration Settings   Errors  

The CBDisk class lets applications create a virtual disk backed by a contiguous block of data.


class cbfsdisk.CBDisk


The CBDisk class is used to create a virtual disk whose contents are stored in one contiguous block of data. CBDisk doesn't implement any filesystem functionality, nor does it attempt to process virtual disks' contents in any way; its minimal API is focused wholly on the efficient transfer of raw disk data.

Therefore, a CBDisk-based application's only responsibility is to maintain a finite block of data for each virtual disk, reading from and writing to it as instructed by the class. This block of data functions as a virtual disk's storage space, and it can be located anywhere the application desires.

Newly-created virtual disks begin in a raw state, and must be formatted with a known filesystem (e.g., NTFS, FAT32, exFAT, etc.) using standard Windows formatting utilities. Once a virtual disk has been formatted, it can be used just like any other storage device. When the application is finished with a virtual disk, the block of data associated with it can be saved so that the virtual disk can be "re-created" at a later time.

Getting Started

Each CBDisk class instance controls a single virtual disk. Applications can use multiple instances of the CBDisk class if their use-case requires the creation of multiple virtual disks. The class's tag property can be used to distinguish between instances during event handlers by storing some disk-specific information ("disk context") or UID.

Here's how to get up and running:

  1. If the system driver hasn't been installed yet, call the install method to do so. This only needs to be done once.
    • In production, the system driver can be installed (or updated) ahead-of-time by the application's installation script using the Installer DLL. Please refer to the Driver Installation topic for more information.
  2. Call the initialize method to initialize the CBDisk class. This must be done each time the application starts (if the application is using multiple CBDisk class instances, only the first instance created should be used to call initialize).
  3. Ensure that the class's event handlers have been implemented so that the driver can read and write raw disk data. Please refer to the events' documentation for more information.
  4. Create a virtual disk by calling the create_storage method.
  5. Create one or more Mounting Points for the virtual disk using the add_mounting_point method. A mounting point can be a drive letter, a UNC path, or a directory on an existing NTFS-formatted drive.
  6. Call the mount_media method to "insert storage media" into the virtual disk drive. (This "media" can be changed at any time later using the unmount_media and mount_media methods.)
  7. Later, the application can unmount the "media" from the virtual disk using the unmount_media method. At this point, the application could call the mount_media method again to "insert different storage media".
  8. To delete the virtual disk entirely, call the delete_storage method.
  9. To uninstall the system driver, call the uninstall method. This should not be done as part of the driver upgrade process.
    • In production, the system driver can be uninstalled by the application's uninstallation script using the Installer DLL. Please refer to the Driver Installation topic for more information.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

activeWhether the class is active and handling OS requests.
mounting_point_countThe number of records in the MountingPoint arrays.
mounting_point_authentication_idThe Authentication ID used when creating the mounting point, if applicable.
mounting_point_flagsThe flags used to create the mounting point.
mounting_point_nameThe mounting point name.
read_onlyWhether the virtual disk should be mounted in read-only mode.
storage_characteristicsThe characteristic flags to create the virtual disk with.
storage_guidThe GUID to create the virtual disk with.
storage_presentWhether a virtual disk has been created.
storage_typeThe type of virtual disk to create.
tagStores application-defined data specific to this instance of the class.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

add_mounting_pointAdds a mounting point for the virtual disk.
configSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
create_storageCreates the virtual disk.
delete_storageDeletes the virtual disk.
get_driver_statusRetrieves the status of the system driver.
get_module_versionRetrieves the version of a given product module.
initializeInitializes the class.
installInstalls (or upgrades) the product's system drivers and/or helper DLL.
is_icon_registeredChecks whether the specified icon is registered.
mount_mediaMounts media in the virtual disk, making it accessible for reading and writing.
register_iconRegisters an icon that can be displayed as an overlay on the virtual disk in Windows Explorer.
remove_mounting_pointRemoves a mounting point for the virtual disk.
reset_iconResets the virtual disk's icon back to default by deselecting the active overlay icon.
set_iconSelects a registered overlay icon for display on the virtual disk in Windows Explorer.
shutdown_systemShuts down or reboots the operating system.
uninstallUninstalls the product's system drivers and/or helper DLL.
unmount_mediaUnmounts media from the virtual disk.
unregister_iconUnregisters an existing overlay icon.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

on_disk_readFires when the OS needs to read data from the virtual disk.
on_disk_writeFires when the OS needs to write data to the virtual disk.
on_ejectedFires when the media and virtual disk have been ejected.
on_errorFires if an unhandled error occurs during an event.
on_get_disk_sizeFires when the OS needs to retrieve the size of the virtual disk.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AsyncDeleteStorageNotificationsWhether system broadcasts for virtual disk deletion are sent asynchronously.
DeviceChangeBroadcastsEnabledWhether the user-mode API broadcasts WM_DEVICECHANGE messages.
LoggingEnabledWhether extended logging is enabled.
SectorSizeThe sector size to create the virtual drive with.
SupportSearchIndexerSpecifies whether the driver must take additional measures to support indexing by Windows Search.
BuildInfoInformation about the product's build.
LicenseInfoInformation about the current license.

Copyright (c) 2020 Callback Technologies, Inc. - All rights reserved.
CBFS Disk 2020 Python Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 7650]