CBFS Connect 2020 Delphi Edition

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Mount Event

Fires after the component mounts media into the virtual drive, making it available.


type TMountEvent = procedure (
  Sender: TObject;
  var ResultCode: Integer
) of Object;

property OnMount: TMountEvent read FOnMount write FOnMount;


This event fires once the component has mounted media into the virtual drive, making it available. Please refer to MountMedia for more information.

This event is optional; it is provided to give applications a chance to perform additional processing when the virtual filesystem is made available.

The ResultCode parameter will always be 0 when the event is fired. If the event cannot be handled in a "successful" manner for some reason (e.g., a resource isn't available, security checks failed, etc.), set it to a non-zero value to report an appropriate error. Please refer to the Error Reporting and Handling topic for more information.

Copyright (c) 2022 Callback Technologies, Inc. - All rights reserved.
CBFS Connect 2020 Delphi Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8348]