EnumerateCachedFiles Method

Enumerates the files in the cache.


public long EnumerateCachedFiles(int enumerationMode);
Public Function EnumerateCachedFiles(ByVal EnumerationMode As Integer) As Long


This method initiates a enumeration operation for cached files that match the specified EnunmerationMode, which must be one of the following values:

ENUM_MODE_ALL0Enumerate all files.

ENUM_MODE_CHANGED1Enumerate files with changed blocks.

ENUM_MODE_UNCHANGED2Enumerate files with no changed blocks.

ENUM_MODE_LOCAL3Enumerate local files.

Refer to the Local Files topic for more information.

ENUM_MODE_ORPHAN4Enumerate orphan files.

Refer to the Orphan Files topic for more information.

This method returns a handle that can be passed to the GetNextEnumeratedFile method to retrieve the results of the enumeration. If no matching files are found, -1 is returned instead.

When an application is finished enumerating files, it must call the CloseEnumeration method in order to release the associated resources.

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CBFS Cache 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 7850]