CBCache Errors

Cache errors Errors

0x48000001   ERROR_ALREADY_OPENED: The requested operation cannot be performed while the cache is open.
0x48000002   ERROR_NOT_OPENED: The cache must be open before attempting to perform the requested operation.
0x48000003   ERROR_REQ_PARAM_MISSING: The requested operation cannot be performed because a required property has not been set.
0x48000004   ERROR_WRONG_ARGUMENT: An invalid value has been passed for the method parameter specified in the error message.
0x48000005   ERROR_BACKEND_FAILURE: The cache cannot read data from or write data to external storage because an event handler has reported an error. Once the error state has been reset using ResetErrorState, try again.
0x48000006   ERROR_EXCEPTION: An internal exception has occurred.
0x48000007   ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION: The requested operation is not valid in current context. Refer to the error message for additional information.
0x48000008   ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE: An operation involving the cache storage file has failed.
0x48000009   ERROR_WRONG_ENCRYPTION_KEY: The specified cache encryption key is incorrect.
0x4800000A   ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY: The cache has failed to delete all blocks from the cache storage file.
0x4800000B   ERROR_FILE_NOT_OPEN: The requested operation cannot be completed because the specified file is not open. Open it using OpenFile, then try again.
0x4800000C   ERROR_READWRITE_FAILURE: A data reading or writing operation has failed.
0x4800000D   ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR: An internal error has occurred. Please report the error details to the Callback Technologies support team.
0x4800000E   ERROR_INTERNAL_SYNC_ERROR: An internal thread synchronization error has occurred. Please report the error details to the Callback Technologies support team.
0x4800000F   ERROR_UNSUPPORTED: The specified combination of external storage capabilities is not supported by the cache. Please double check that the ReadingCapabilities, WritingCapabilities, and ResizingCapabilities properties are set correctly.

Copyright (c) 2021 Callback Technologies, Inc. - All rights reserved.
CBFS Cache 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 7850]