CBFS Storage 2020 Python Edition

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CBFSStorageStream Type




The CBFSStorageStream type is returned by some of the CBMemDrive class's methods. All stream types in CBFS Storage share a common API, inherited from Python's io.RawIOBase class, documented below.

Note that, for brevity, many of the members offered by io.RawIOBase are not documented here; please refer to the Python documentation for more information.


length Gets the length of the stream, in bytes.

readable Whether the stream supports reading.

seekable Whether the stream supports seeking.

tell Gets the current position within the stream.

writable Whether the stream supports writing.



close Flushes and closes the stream. Has no effect if the stream is already closed.

flush Forces all data held by the stream's buffers to be written out to storage.

read Reads a specified number of bytes from the stream and returns them, advancing the current position within the stream by the number of bytes read.


Up to n bytes will be read from the stream and returned. If n is unspecified or -1, all bytes are read. Fewer than n bytes may be returned if fewer than n bytes are read.

readall Reads and returns all bytes available in the stream from the current position onwards.

readinto Reads a sequence of bytes from the stream and advances the current position within the stream by the number of bytes read.


Up to len(b) bytes are read into b, and the number of bytes read is returned. The object b should be a pre-allocated, writable array of bytes, either bytearray or a writable memoryview.

seek Sets the current position within the stream based on a particular point of origin.

seek(offset, whence=SEEK_SET)

offset specifies the offset in the stream to seek to, relative to whence, which must be either SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END (or a corresponding integer value) as described by the io.IOBase.seek documentation.

Returns the new position within the stream.

truncate Sets the length of the current stream.


Resizes the current stream to size bytes (or to the current position if size is None).

Returns the new size of the stream.

write Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream and advances the current position within the stream by the number of bytes written.


The bytes in b are written to the stream, and the number of bytes written in returned. The object b should be an array of bytes, either bytes, bytearray, or memoryview.

Copyright (c) 2021 Callback Technologies, Inc. - All rights reserved.
CBFS Storage 2020 Python Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8031]