CBFS Direct 2020 Python Edition

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open_volume_as_stream Method

Opens a volume as a stream.


def open_volume_as_stream(volume_name: str, desired_access: int, force_unmount: bool) -> CBFSDirectStream: ...


This method should be used instead of the Windows API's CreateFile function to open the volume specified by VolumeName when an application needs to access it directly, bypassing the system's access control mechanisms.

If the volume is opened successfully, this method returns a stream object that provides access to its data; otherwise, it returns None.

The VolumeName and DesiredAccess parameters correspond to the lpFileName and dwDesiredAccess parameters of the Windows API's CreateFile function (respectively). The value passed for VolumeName may be in WinAPI or NT-native format. Please refer to Microsoft's documentation for more information on how to set these parameters appropriately.

Copyright (c) 2021 Callback Technologies, Inc. - All rights reserved.
CBFS Direct 2020 Python Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 7836]