GetVolumeObjectId Event

Fires when the OS needs the volume object Id and extended information.


// CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs carries the CBFS GetVolumeObjectId event's parameters.
type CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs struct {...}

func (args *CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs) ObjectId() []byte
func (args *CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs) SetObjectId(value []byte)
func (args *CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs) ObjectIdLength() int32
func (args *CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs) ExtendedInformation() []byte
func (args *CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs) SetExtendedInformation(value []byte)
func (args *CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs) ExtendedInformationLength() int32
func (args *CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs) ResultCode() int32
func (args *CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs) SetResultCode(value int32)

// CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEvent defines the signature of the CBFS GetVolumeObjectId event's handler function.
type CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEvent func(sender *CBFS, args *CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEventArgs)

func (obj *CBFS) GetOnGetVolumeObjectIdHandler() CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEvent
func (obj *CBFS) SetOnGetVolumeObjectIdHandler(handlerFunc CBFSGetVolumeObjectIdEvent)


This event fires anytime the OS needs to retrieve the volume object Id and extended information for the virtual drive.

To handle this event properly, applications must populate the ObjectId and ExtendedInformation buffers with the most recent values obtained via SetVolumeObjectId.

The ObjectIdLength and ExtendedInformationLength values are specified by the OS; they will always be 16 and 48 bytes, respectively.

Please refer to the Buffer Parameters topic for more information on how to work with memory buffer event parameters.

The ResultCode parameter will always be 0 when the event is fired. If the event cannot be handled in a "successful" manner for some reason (e.g., a resource isn't available, security checks failed, etc.), set it to a non-zero value to report an appropriate error. Please refer to the Error Reporting and Handling topic for more information.

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CBFS Connect 2020 Go Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8348]